Chapter 7

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With that one sentence, my mind was blown. 'Wait Zac, Zac? The guy that proclaimed his love for Kristen to me in a text while looking for her.' I kept my face straight though, I wanted to laugh so hard out of irony.

Looking closer at her face before speaking again. "I'm going to need you to explain to me exactly was going on."

She looked at her fingers as she played with them. Lowering her head. "I never meant for it to happen. It was at one of his football games. After it, to be exact. I don't know, the way he played. He looked so sexy."

I started to think. 'A year ago, Kristen and Zac were already dating. This girl was only fifteen. This is turning in to a real thing.' Focusing back on her.

"It was my friends' idea, to follow him. I heard from my sister. Well, she kept speaking about you and Zac whenever he came in to the store to see you. I don't think you noticed me but I came to visit her once at work and he was there too. Anyways, after the football game, I followed him to the locker room and waited for him outside after the game I went to see with my friends. When he came out, we had a conversation for an hour or so and exchanged numbers. The next day he and Kristen had a fight. He was talking about how, Kristen wanted more from him and when he could not promise that, she would run out to you."

She looked up at me after saying that.

I remember that day. It was when Kristen and I went out for ice cream. She said she was over worked on studies and just wanted a break. So in fact she had a fight with Zac. 'Has she been using me this whole time to make Zac jealous or was I a backup plan, if this Zac venture did not pan out.'

Clearing my throat before I spoke again. "Please, tell me more."

She looked back at her hands as she played with them on her thighs this time. "So Zac called me up to come to his place. So I did and got to talking again. Well, we hooked up that night. I was fifteen and it was my first time having sex. He said he was going to break up with Kristen. He thought she was cheating on him with you. A couple of weeks passed by and I found out from some kids at your school that Zac did not break up with Kristen. That they were closer than ever. While he was hooking up with me too. Months in, I figured if he can do this to me, why can I not do it to him. So I started dating Chad to throw it in his face that I did not need him. We would be at parties after the game and I'd be there with Chad and some kids from my school and he'd be there with Kristen, pretending like I don't even exist. Kissing and touching her."

'Parties after the game?' I have been to a few but not enough to say I knew everything. These parties would be held at Chad's house most of the time.

"After these parties he'd always end up texting and asking me when we could hang out again. I'd try Toby, to let him go. To move on but I loved him. I still love him." A tear rolled down her cheek. "It was about 4 weeks ago. I was at one of his football matches again. There was a party at Chad's after and I went. . . ."

I raised my voice to stop her. "Was this the match 4 weeks ago just when the school closed, when our school played against your school?"

She turned her head and looked at me. The tear on her cheek now dried. "Yes, were you there too?"

I remember that night. It was when Kristen, Zac and I went to the lake to hang out. When I saw Kristen and Zac run in to the lake naked. I could see that she loved him, by the way she hugged him and spoke to him and looked at him but I did not want to accept it. I did not want to accept that the person I loved so much was not mine. So whenever I saw it, I'd look away or pretend like it never happened. I was a fool for lying to myself. I also understand what Chantel is going through. Although all this has happened, I still love Kristen.

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