chapter 13

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A few weeks later, when everyone had recovered, Lotus was taking a walk in the marketplace. She had a parasol so she wouldn't burn. Suddenly everyone started screaming and running. A terrible creature came flying along. The strange blue creature was calling out and was coming toward a wooden cart filled with pears. As the pears were unharmed, one was grabbed with a red glow around it, revealing an unknown young man had grabbed it with his gloved hand and he glanced at the fruit.

"Cowards, Xerxes, all of them." the man chuckled to his eel companion.

The eel gave an evil laugh, amused by it all.

Lotus gasped as her Parasol was stolen, glad she at least had long sleeves. Her wrap hood came off as the wind from the creature did that. The creature had smashed through a pile of pots which alerted Razoul and the other palace guards. They had to protect Princess Lotus and the rest of Agrabah, no matter how ugly or fearsome the creature seemed.

"It is unhuman!" One of the guards, Hakim, said scared.

Lotus sorted out her crown and looked for the head wrap. Xerxes was watching and saw the princess. She was paler than even his Master.

"And I am his match!" Razoul retorted, determined to slay this beast. He drew out his sword to take down the creature and sent it anywhere but here.

"This one has muscle..." the master remarked, moving his hand to eat the pear as the eel was about to eat it.

The creature moved Razoul's sword out-of-the-way, making the guard cower and cry for mercy.

"Pathetic..." the master snorted, then got a look at Lotus. "She's not so bad on the other hand."

Xerxes laughed a little. He looked at the pear and took a snap at it. "Maybe Master go sees girl?" He suggests.

Lotus found the wrap and dusted it off. She started to put it back on to hide her crown and to shade her face. Her dark eyes looked around and her lips had a deep red shade on them. As the creature advanced Aladdin saved Razoul. The master was thinking and glanced to see Aladdin, wondering what his story was, but he had flair. The creature swooped at Aladdin on the carpet. There was a local man, resting on a bed of nails, not seeming to be in any kind of pain. The creature caught carpet and knocked Aladdin off.

Aladdin fell straight towards the bed of nails. "Oh, no." he says.

Lotus came by the Alley to find a parasol again. As Aladdin was falling, the master looked with keen interest and was very excited. As though he wanted Aladdin to fall for his doom and death.

Genie was watching this from a television and took out a copy of the story's script and flipped through the pages. "Let's see... Al plummets, Al says 'Oh, no', Genie poofs to the rescue... Sorta predictable..." he then looked at his watch and sprung into action. "Oh, no! I'm late!" he disappeared from the palace to save Aladdin from falling.

"Genie! Thanks." Aladdin says.

Lotus blinked as a bitten piece of fruit came flying out of the Alley.

"Oh, just doin' my part, Al," Genie smiled, then took out the script again. "I think..."

"A genie," the master smirked. "Now that's not very sporting... Let's see how the boy handles my magic without the genie's."

The creature was summoned toward Genie to keep him away from Aladdin. Xerxes nodded, laughing.

"Hey!" Aladdin shouts as the creature stole Genie.

Lotus heard the talking and went into the Alley. "Hello?" She asks softly.

"Silence." the master told his eel companion as he noted that the elder princess was coming toward him. He had a little plan going and disappeared.

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