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(M. INC, this is a *semi* HUMAN AU all characters still have their horns and tails/wings.) Mike is completely blind in one eye and usually hidden in his hair to account for the whole, one eye thing.

Mike sniffled and pulled his jacket tighter.

"Mike, you should've stayed home." Sully said.

"I can't stay home. I have to come up here and physically sign for a temperary replacement Sul." Mike mumbled sniffling again.

"you have a fever. forget the other monsters for a second, if someone catches that and passes it to a human child we could... kill some of the kids." Sully said.

"m'okay Sul." Mike mumbled. he sneezed and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"you're gross and sick and you had a fever of nearly 134 and I know you know that your normal temperature is 126. Mike you could seriously hurt some human kids." Sully said. Mike glared slightly and shivered. "okay. come on." Sully said, scooping him up. "first we need to get to Roz so you can file your paper work for a replacement assistant. then I have to find somewhere to put you because I can't just send you home alone like this." Sully sighed.

"first aid office might... might..." Mike trailed and sneezed loudly. Sully grimanced.

"might let you stay there." Sully said. "okay baby, come on." Sully murmured. he headed to Roz. she looked at him boredly.

"what?" Roz ask.

"Mike needs a replacement assistant applications... he's... awful." Sully said. Roz looked at Mike.

"I wish Waternoose would change that stupid policy." Roz growled lowly handing Sully a face mask. "here cover him at least. I'll make arrangements to get him home and arrangements for a replacement assistant." Roz growled.

"no I can't send him home alone." Sully said. "he'd never make it up all the stairs." he added. Roz frowned.

"find somewhere for him to stay that won't endanger anyone else." Roz grumbled.

"just leave me at the desk. not like anyone uses it, I'll sleep there." Mike mumbled. Sully sighed but nodded and carried him to the locker room. "I can walk you know." Mike sniffled.

"Mike if your fever goes any higher you won't even be able to think. sit down, shut up, and let me get ready so I can go help the assistant set up. I've never had to have one before." Sully mumbled. Sully got himself ready then carried Mike to the scarefloor. some stared at them, but Sully ignored them, dead set on getting Mike somewhere he could rest. a young woman sat at their desk. her hair was a shiny purple and black. she had a set of wings fluttering on her back and a file in her hand. there was a blanket folded up on the desk.

"who the hell is that?" Mike mumbled.

"shhh. she's my assistant today." Sully said and sat Mike down at the desk.

"Mr. Sullivan." she smiled.

"call me Sully. please." Sully said. she nods.

"they call me LS." she smiled. "but my names Leia." Leia grinned.

"LS?" Sully ask.

"my name is Leia Spike, but it really stands for Little Shit. I'm your assistant today. thats Mike yeah?" she ask. Sully nodded.

"he's a little sick." Sully said, petting Mike's hair gently. Mike nuzzled his hand tiredly.

"the blanket was sent by first aid. there's also a pillow." Leia smiled. Sully nodded.

"hey Mikey, that bell goes off in ten minutes. why don't you lay down here on the floor and curl up under the blanket? I'll give you my jacket to lay on." Sully murmured softly. Mike nodded weakly. Sully smiled and pulled off his jacket. he set up a spot for Mike to curl up. "that bell is gonna be loud Mikey. just keep that in mind." Sully said as Mike curled up on his jacket. Mike nodded as Sully laid the blanket over him.

"m'kay." Mike murmured. Sully smiles and kisses his head, getting up. Sully smiled at him and headed off to be with the other scarers as quickly as possible. the others picked on him for being late, until he had explained he was setting up with his replacement assistant as Mike was sick. the bell rang and the headed out to position. everyone was staring at his assistant confused, Mike had never EVER missed a day, not even when Sully was out sick.

"Mr.Sullivan where's Mike?" Needleman ask. Sully smiled at him.

"he's right there." Sully pointed at Mike on the floor under their shared work desk. "he's sick." he added. Needleman looked over and nodded.

"is he okay?" Smitty ask.

"oh yeah. he's okay. he's just a little sick." Sully smiled. Mike sniffled and shifted. Sully walked over and shifted the blanket on him, kissing his cheek. the bell when off again, Mike flinched at it. Sully stood quickly and ran off. Sully didn't really have another chance to check on Mike until lunch. his fever was higher than before and he was curled up in Sullys jacket with the blanket wrapped tightly around himself. "if you weren't so sick, you'd be cute in my jacket." Sully murmured.

"g'way." Mike sniffled.

"nope it's lunch time. you hungry?" Sully ask. "I brought you some stuff you could eat." Sully added. Mike nodded slightly sitting up, holding Sully's jacket tightly around himself. Sully wrapped an arm around him, kissing his cheek.

"stop. you're gonna get sick." Mike mumbles, leaning against him.

"thats okay. you'll take care of me." Sully smiled, holding him. he put a small bowl of soup in front of Mike and grab him a spoon. "try not to spill it on my jacket." Sully murmurs. Mike didn't answer, just sipped his soup. Sully smiled at him and ate his lunch happily. as everyone started filtering back in after lunch, before the bell rang to start back up, they were honestly surprised to see Mike sleeping against Sully. they hadn't realized he was here. Sully smiled and got himself free from Mike, laying the sleeping man down gently before getting up. a few more hours and he could take Mike home and properly care for the ill man.

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