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~Ella and Matthew sit in silence~

Ella: *thinks: I really want to tell him.. but how?*
Matthew: *thinks: Why can't she just tell me? How hard is it?*
(Apparently very)

~Ella hesitates to speak~

Ella: I-... I kissed Mike..
Matthew: Oh.. *thinks: Wow* What was so hard about telling me that?
Ella: I don't know! I didn't know how you were gonna react and..
Matthew: Ella It's alright.. You can tell me anything. Ever since you walked into my life, I felt like I could tell you everything and you can do the same. You are like the piece of me that I knew was always missing.
Ella: Matthew.. *hugs him* I'm so sorry..
Matthew: *hugs back* *thinks: I want to tell her..*
Ella: I should have never kept that from you..

~Matthew and Ella watch movies and laugh together till Ella falls asleep on him~

Matthew: Your probably asleep but.. I love you with everything I have. You have been there for me since day one and have never left my side.. I know you probably don't like me like that but I will never stop loving you. Your so important in everyone's world. Mike doesn't deserve you and neither do I.. I hope you understand that..

~Matthew lays there thinking about the future and what may happen but he thinks its just a fantasy~

~Matthew has a flashback to the fight with Mike~

Mike: Why are you sitting like a coward!? Get up and fight me!
SM (store manager): Stop this!

~The SM tries to hold Mike back but he isn't strong enough~
~Peter is still sitting next to Matthew~

Peter: Mike back off man!

~Peter punches Mike in the face and it knocks Mike back~

Mike: Why are you getting yourself involved in this when you don't need to be you loser!
Peter: Because that's what friends are for! Not like you'd know what that means!
Mike: You little..

~Mike tries to throw a punch at Peter but he misses~
~Peter knees him in the stomach knocking Mike to the ground~
~Matthew regains enough strength to stand next to Peter~

Matthew: You will never know Ella the way that I've known her... Do you know about her past? No! Were you there for all those emotional moments? There to cheer her up? No. Did she ask you to hang out with her when she could have asked anyone else? You are just taking advantage over the most amazing girl that I know. You don't deserve her. No one does because she is to good to be true..
Mike: Do you hear yourself?! You sound so stupid right now. Who believes in the perfect person because ha I don't! You just stay with them for a week and then either they leave or you do. No one ever stays with you because love isn't a real thing its just a word.
Matthew: It's only just a word if you use it like one.
Mike: That doesn't even make sense!
Peter: Sure it does. If you say you love them and it isn't true you destroy the words meaning for yourself and for them.
Mike: Y'all are ridiculous! Get out of my face!

~Mike gets into his car and drives off~

Peter: Are you alright?
Matthew: He doesn't deserve Ella. No one does. She's to good for this cruel world.
Peter: What do you mean? What are you gonna do?
Matthew: I have to tell her about Mike but I don't know how.. It will crush her..
Peter: Hey man I'm not gonna tell you what to do and not do with your life but if you want her to have a better future instead of getting heartbroken along the way then you must tell her..
Matthew: Your right..

~Flashback ends~

~Matthew falls asleep~

Ella: mAtThEw!! Wake up sleepyhead!
Matthew: Huh..?

~Matthew wakes up to Ella bouncing around the room joyfully~

Matthew: Ella- what are you doing? Your gonna get me in trouble.
Ella: No I'm not! The nurse came in this morning and told me you were free to leave this afternoon if you felt all better!
Matthew: W-What? Thats amazing!
Ella: Indeed it is my friend. We are gonna go to the pond later with Amy, Peter, Evan and Mike if your up for it?

~Matthew heard the name Mike and shivered~

Matthew: Do we really have to invite Mike??
Ella: What do you mean? He's the one that invited us!
Matthew: I-
Ella: Come on Mrs. Grumpy pants, It'll be fun!
Matthew: Ugh fine! Only if I'm up for it.
Ella: Yeah yeah mhm. *she laughed*

~The Nurse walks in with a clipboard~

Nurse: Finally he's awake! Now *she hands the clipboard to him* Fill this out. I'm gonna call your mother and tell her she needs to pick you up.
Ella: Well you don't have to do that! Ill drive him home.
Nurse: Are you sure?
Ella: Yeah no problem!
Nurse: Alright, but bring me that clipboard when he's done with it.
Ella: Okie dokie.

~The Nurse leaves the room and Matthew finishes filling out the papers~

Matthew: Here.

~He hands her the clipboard and Ella walks out the door to bring it back to the nurse~

Matthew: Why is she always there for me..

~Ella walks back into the room and sits beside Matthew~

Matthew: Thank you Ella.
Ella: For what?
Matthew: For being here for me. Taking care of me. You could be anywhere else but your here..
Ella: I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I want to take care of you and make sure your better. My friends are like my real family. I love y'all..
Matthew: And we love you too. *he smiles* *thinks: I have to tell her about Mike..*

Matthew: Hey Ella..

~To be continued~


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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