Chapter 2

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Vada's POV

"I- No.. Piper will you excuse me please." I said going up to the room Piper was letting me stay in. I heard footsteps behind me. Whomever it was grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Look whoever or whatever you are you need to leave. Now." Chris spoke anger filling his voice.

"Excuse me? I was sent here to protect a friend, and whatever you did to me in down there. The vision or whatever you did back their? Needs to stop." I yelled at Chris knowing Piper and the others couldn't here us at the moment.

"What I did? How about what you did! Look who are you?" He asked sighing in defeat. I was about to give in.

"How's Bianca?" I asked blinking to fight back the tears that threatened to pour down my pale face. He looked shocked. He pushed me against the wall, one arm at my neck.

"How do you know about Bianca?!" Chris yelled in my face. The tears finally came. I lightly pushed Chris away and slid down the wall. There were footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Come on." Chris sighed as he pulled me up from the floor and carried me bridal style to the room Piper was letting me stay in. Once there he gently sat me on the bed.

"How do you know about Bianca?" He asked anger seeping through the sweet act he was pulling.

"Because I'm from the future." I said not meeting his beautiful green eyes.

"Yeah okay, now tell me the real reason." Chris replied rolling his eyes. I slowly met his gaze.

"Look I'm from the future. I know you're with Bianca. I also know that the spell Bianca gave you so you wouldn't get 'emotionally attached' to Piper again, was actually a forgetting spell. She made you forget everything that didn't have to do with her... Including me." I explained. A single tear rolling down my cheek. He looked at me as if I made the whole thing up. His eyes filled with hatred.

"Are you even from the future?" he scoffed. I quickly got up and out of the room. I needed to get out. Wyatt didn't know I was doing this in the first place. I was so lost in my thoughts that I ran smack into Phoebe.

"Oh Hey Vada! I was just coming to ask if you wanted to go out to lunch with me and an old friend." She asked, and at this moment I would agree to anything.

"Yeah... Sure." I spoke whipping the smudged makeup from under my eyes. She smiled reassuringly at me. We walked through the kitchen passing a very pregnant Piper.


Phoebe, Chris, and I walked into this really fancy restaurant where Phoebe was meeting her friend.

Chris was still glaring at me for 'lying' to him. The car ride was way too much for me and I felt like I was suffocating.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Phoebe asked looking in my direction as we waited for the waitress to seat us.

"Uh... Yeah I'm just going to.. to get some air." I told her giving her a not very reassuring smile as I made my way outside.

I sat down on a bench and put my head between my legs and tried to breath normally. I felt a wet spot on the knee of my jeans forming. I quickly pulled my head up from in between my legs to see what it was. I made eye contact with a three year old boy with bright blue eyes. He was so adorable, he looked so familiar.

"Oh sorry about my son.. But then again what can I say he has very good taste in women, just like his daddy." Said a man(Guy at the top). I smiled as nicely as I could and kindly said goodbye before making my way inside.

I spotted Phoebe and made my way over to the table they were seated at. She spotted me and smiled, she called me over.

"This is Vada, she's a close family friend." Phoebe said. I looked over to who she was introducing me to. I stopped. I felt like the world was closing in on me. My whole world was shutting down.

In front of me sat the most beautiful woman I've ever known. My mother. Brittany Anne Van Der Wood.

"Uh hi." I spoke still astonished.

The man from outside came and sat down at our table and just as I was about to object and say something. My mother who didn't know who I was interrupted me.

"Oh Phoebe you remember Nate, my husband." She said in an excited tone of voice. I felt like I was going to throw up. The sleazy guy who flirted with me outside was my father. That's why the little boy looked so familiar, he was my older brother Sebastian.

"May I be excused?" I asked not waiting for an answer. I walked out to the same bench and pulled my legs to my chest and just sobbed. It was getting to the point where I couldn't breathe. I was having an anxiety attack.
I felt someone rubbing my back and they pulled me into their arms, I just assumed that it was Phoebe even though it didn't feel like it.

"Vada? Are you okay?" I heard a melodic voice ask. Chris.

"I'm fine." I spoke still recovering from my anxiety attack.

"Why'd you freak out?" Chris asked eyeing me.

"Depends will you actually believe me?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"Try me." He spoke.

"Well when I came out here the first time this adorable little baby was drooling on my knee. And his dad was flirting with me, and when I walked in I found out that that guy was my Dad." I rushed out.

"So Brittany's your Mom?" Chris asked. I nodded.

"And your Dad flirted with you?" He asked. I nodded again.

-Okay so this is kind of short but I will update more hopefully
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