-Chapter 3-

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-Cat above is Briarstem.-

"From this day forward until you get your warrior name, you will be known as Archpaw," Cinderstar called from the Pine Branch. The dark gray she-cat's gaze then focused on a green-eyed brown she-cat, who had pure white legs. "Briarstem, you will mentor Archpaw. You are a loyal and noble warrior, and you are ready for your next apprentice. I trust you to pass down all you have learned from Tawnydapple down to Archpaw."

The she-cat dipped her head with solemn, stepping up towards the newly made apprentice, leaning her head down to touch noses with him. She then gazed at Hopepaw and Sparrowpaw as the Clan chanted the three apprentices' names, who sat alongside their mentors, noticing the excitement in their eyes. She also noticed the excitement in her apprentice's eyes as well. Cinderstar had let out a tail flick to signal that the meeting was dismissed as she had leapt down from the Pinebranch, trotting over to Jaggedpaw, her own apprentice. The Clan then swarmed the apprentices and their mentors like a pack of bees. Archpaw then shouldered his way through the crowded cats to meet up with his kin, Briarstem following a whisker-length behind.

"Can you believe it?" Sparrowpaw mewed to both Hopepaw and Archpaw, "we're finally apprentices! I can't wait to train today with Halfwhisker!" The newly made apprentice bounded in a circle, as if he had still been a kit.

"I'm a bit scared for training," Hopepaw murmured under her breath, "Gorseshine is my mentor. You know how intimidating and strict he could be. I don't want to be yelled at and be punished to scavenge the elders for ticks all because I did something wrong, like a hunting or battle move."

"You're so worrying, Hopepaw," Archpaw teased, "I'm sure Gorseshine would be an excellent mentor. He may be strict and menacing, but that doesn't mean he'll be cruel and screaming at you all the time." He'd cup a paw over her ear for a heartbeat before he turned to face his mentor, Briarstem. "Briarstem, what's first for my training?"

The sun slowly emerged from the trees as the brown she-cat's tail flicked. "I'll show you the territory first. And always stay by my tail, or your life could be put at risk. Right now you're defenceless and can't battle against any threat," the she-cat admitted. "Always listen to my words."

Archpaw blinked nonchalantly, his tail sweeping over the pine needles on the ground. "Will do." His mentor gave him a brief nod, as she began to head over in the direction of the boulder, which was the exit, or entrance, of the pathway that lead outside of camp. Archpaw then kept up with his own paws in order to follow his mentor.

"Where are we headed to first?" squealed Archkit as he bounded in a circle behind his mentor. He had been visibly excited for the tour of the territory.

"We'll be headed down towards the burnt sycamore, which is where mentors train their apprentices on how to hunt at night and keep their stealth," Briarstem explained as she weaved through the forest, her apprentice on her heels. In a few moments, the two had reached the burnt sycamore. Pain and a tad bit of sorrow then flashed in Briarstem's eyes before she lashed her head from left to right for a heartbeat. She knew that someone she loved had died here.

Archpaw would gaze up at the large tree, mesmerized by its tall figure and the charcoaled peak of it. The tree had been taller than many of the other trees, which had made it stick out briefly to one's eye. Birds would squawk in the distance and pieces of live prey scurried amongst the growth and roots of trees. Archpaw then heard rustling between the trees and ferns, whirling around in alert. He hissed suddenly, but cut himself off halfway through only to realize that it had been Jaggedpaw and Cinderstar. He blinked, clearing his throat.

"What are you even hissing about?" Jaggedpaw mewed, his whiskers twitching in amusement at the apprentice's awareness levels. "It's just us; Cinderstar and I. Nothing else. What, did you think we were foxes getting ready to attack?" he then teased.

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