Descent x Unto x Delirium

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There was a bright golden sunrise that dawned with crisp gusts of wind, and the clocks were striking seven. The light escaped through the window panes and cast its shadow across the room, but a darker shadow was cast from the figure that stood behind the glass, gazing out at the distance with longing eyes. Frost stood silently, no tell of a thought or emotion present in her expression. She was as cold as the winds that shivered the world outside. Something stirred her to wake earlier than the others.

She had no want to return to slumber, or awaken the others who quietly snored. Her eyes seemed to long for something of which they knew they could not have. Something changed inside her over the span of the night. It sent her into a state of insomnia. Within such a short period of time, the world that encaved her had changed her. There was a realization that she had overlooked something so clear and so apparent. It drove her mind into an endless race. To seek out that answer? Even she had no clue what sent her mind to such tiring lengths.

All Frost wanted to do was stand and stare amidst the silence. For it was all she could see herself do until something provoked her to do otherwise. In her heart, something plagued it. It was unknown to her. Before she knew it, finding a way to escape the endless loop of questioning it was all she had wanted to do. Why? Was all that could be thought. Why wasn't it happiness that filled her heart? Why is the cold all that could be felt within. Something inside reeked betrayal, and it was sickening.

Raven slowly sat up, rubbing away any tiredness left in her eyes before she noticed Frost. "Frost are you okay?"


"Frost?" Raven approached and gently shook her.

Her eyes were still fixed off someplace, but Raven seemed to have finally got through to her. "Yes?" She spoke lightly.

"Are you ok, you zoned out and were staring at nothing?" Raven looked at Frost concern evident in her eyes.

She sighed, finally escaping the endless stare. "I was just thinking." She looked downward at the sill of the window, her eyes still empty.

"You sure?"

"In the real world, it is easy to get caught up in everything around you. We have jobs, goals, connections to mainstain, bills to pay, constant chores, and an ever changing landscape to navigate. Overwhelmed by all of this, it is simply easy to forget yourself in all of it. But in this world, it has set a spotlight on ourselves. Making it no longer possible to avoid seeing who we are." She went on. "Being in this world has made me realize myself, qualities I had forgotten or never had the chance to fully think about. But also such qualities that I wanted to keep forgotten, and that I wanted to never be reminded of again." She paused for a moment, "I'm afraid."

Raven gently hugged Frost, stroking her hair as a way to comfort her. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Everything is going to be just fine."

She appeared to be taking deep breathes as if to calm down. "O-okay ... if you think so." She anxiously muttered, her mind still in a twist.

"Look at me." Raven held Frost by her shoulders pushing out of the hug so that they could look each other in the eyes. "I know that some of this is scary. And that we'll have to remember and relive moments we wish to have been forgotten, it's terrifying..." she paused briefly, looking at her sincerely. "But you have to trust me when I say that we'll be okay. Because we have each other and so many other friends who care about and love us."

"Of course," she said, "I know that." She became squishier and more like jelly as Raven squeezed her by the shoulders. "The problem is, by having..." Her brain stopped functioning for a moment. "Since Luffin wanted to put all his faith in me ... it's made me nervous because," she paused for a moment, "I don't know if I can trust myself to keep that promise."

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