The Legend of the War Before Time

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I suppose for tonights story I will tell the legend.

A war before time

The legend of our creation..

Once in a time far off

Before life itself existed...

In a never ending space

A temple lie still

The temple was quiet

But everything was in this blank space


13 gods sat together

Aries, the goddess of health

Taurus, the god of strength

Gemini, the god and goddess of communication and compassion

Cancer, the goddess of love

Virgo, the goddess of seduction

Libra, the god of balance

Scorpio, the god of willpower

Sagittarius, the god of luck

Capricorn, the god of knowledge

Aquarius, the goddess of water

Pisces, the god of imagination

Ophiuchus, the god of death

And atop the throne lay the Lion,

He was the god of leadership and courage

He watched over them

His only family

Together they brought balance, peace and happiness to each other...

They would laugh and play together

They would cry and mourn together

They even thought of their meaning in the world that they were perpetually trapped in...

But soon

The gods got bored

Everything became plain

They no longer laughed..

They no longer cried

They even stopped thinking

They would just sit in the room


For many years it went that way

Until one day

Ive got it! Ive got it! Aries stood tall and excited.

Everyone looked at her

Their eyes glimmered with hope

What is it, Dear Aries? the lion spoke softly to her.

Aries smiled big, bigger than ever before.

Lets create a world! A world where we can create our children. Aries teared up a little bit.

We can make people like us and animals and We can make whatever we want! Aries jumped up into the air joyfully.

So excited about her idea she rambled on and on.

We can make bugs! And we can make fish and trees! Aries skipped around the room.

The Lion thought

The room went silent

To make a world, its not a simple task.. The Lion looked at Aries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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