{Enforced Hang Out}

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      "Can you just back off? Miss Sonia deserves a real man!" Kazuichi snapped at Gundham, setting his cup of coffee down on the countertop.
"Lord, you're so ignorant. Or blind. I am a real man, you're just a coward." Gundham said, massaging his nose bridge.
"Coward? I am no coward! I'll put you and your hamsters six feet under!!"

     The two's rivalry for the ultimate princess had gone on for quite some time, neither one of them winning her heart yet. If anything, it was futile to do this considering how impassive she seemed to be. In actuality, it had just stirred up a riot that was pointless.

     The princess interrupted their conversation, flipping a hand up between them. "Gundham, Kazuichi! You two are bickering like children! Stop this at once!" Kazuichi immediately shut his mouth, and Gundham nestled his face in his scarf. "Seriously, can you two be within five feet of each other without fighting?"

      Both individuals stayed silent, embarrassed. "M-My apologies.." Gundham sputtered out.
"I feel you two should spend some time together to really understand each other." Sonia stated, bringing her fingers to her chin quizzically.
"Huh? M-Miss Sonia, I can't hang out with this guy!" The mechanic furrowed his eyebrows, defending himself

     "Perhaps you both are just cowards." The princess implied, folding her arms.
      Both Gundham and Kazuichi looked at each other, Kazuichi having a concerned look. "M-Miss Sonia, we'll do it for you!"
"What? I never gave my consent!" Kazuichi gave him a death stare, his hand balled into a fist.
"Perfect! Then the both of you shall spend the rest of the day together. Have a good time, you two!"

     Kazuichi sunk back into his seat, groaning. "What did I just get myself into..?"
     The breeder adjusted his fuchsia scarf so his appearance would be presentable. He gave a side-eyed gaze to the mechanic, furrowed brows. Glancing over to the other anxiously, Kazuichi chewed his lower lip. "So, what are we supposed to do?"

     "I'm not sure. I don't associate myself with you mortals, so why would you come to the conclusion I would know?" Gundham snarked, rolling his eyes.
     Kazuichi looked around to see if he could get an idea. Something came to mind that he thought would be entertaining to watch. The idea released a smirk that tugged one corner of his mouth. He knew this wouldn't end well, but it could be fun. "Hey.. Gundham?"
"Let's head back to my cottage. I have an idea."
"What kind of idea?"
"It's a surprise. Come on." Kazuichi stood up and began walking away from the table, in the direction of the entry.
     The breeder gave another eye roll before sitting up and following behind the mechanic. He was skeptical of him, per usual, and suspected something was off, yet he stayed silent.


     Once they'd arrived at Kazuichi's confinement, the mechanic sat down on his mattress. Gundham cocked an eyebrow in confusion, and Kazuichi patted the spot next to him on the bed. It seemed cynical to him, it just didn't appear to be out of harm's way. Nevertheless, he obliged and planted himself next to the other.

     Kazuichi gave him a venereal simper to throw him off guard. The breeder's facial expression shifted to uncertainty, darting his eyes away from him. A light dusting of rouge expanded across Gundham's face, his muscles tensing as Kazuichi inched in near his face. "Something wrong?"
"Of course not. Why would you ask that?"
"Your face is really red. Maybe you're just hot?" Kazuichi wouldn't ever confess this outloud, but he found the breeder quite attractive.
     Originally, his plan was to fluster and embarrass the other to get some enjoyment out of this bonding experience, at least for Kazuichi. The mechanic knew well that the breeder would be cross with him, even so he hadn't any care for that consequence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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