All Because of a Parade

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You were shivering in the cold. You didn't know why you decided to go to the Christmas Parade when you knew it was going to be only 20 degrees. Snow was falling as you looked up at your friend with the gravity-defying blonde hair.

No, you DID know why you were at the parade. It was because of Mathias. Mathias Køhler. He was your best friend and he had been since you were in kindergarten. Well, Matt and four other guys. Their names were Lukas Bondevik, Tino Väinämöinen, Berwald Oxenstierna and Emil Steilsson.

But, everyone except you and Matt had been busy that weekend. You decided that going to the parade was better than sitting at home and being anti-social. So, you texted Matt.

(Y/n): Hey, Im coming to the parade. Where should I meet u?

Matt: In front of the old theater

(Y/n): Kk. I'll see u there

You put your phone back in your pocket after you had pulled on a heavy sweatshirt, sweatpants, your winter coat, Ugg boots, a hat and gloves. You also grabbed a blanket for good measure, just in case you got too cold.

You drove downtown where the parade was being held. You could see all of the floats that were lined up on Main Street. You quickly started on your way down the sidewalk to the old theater Matt said he'd be at.

Soon, you spotted the theater, Matt standing at the edge of the sidewalk.

"Mathias!" you called. He turned and his clear blue eyes widened. A huge grin spread across his face. You hadn't seen each other in weeks because he had been visiting family back in his home country of Denmark.

"(Y/n)!" he exclaimed as you ran up to him and almost tackled him in a hug. He picked you up and spun you around in a small circle once. Your heart was racing. You could swear Matt could hear it, it was so loud. He hadn't spun you like that in ages. The Dane only did that when he was super excited about something.

"Matt! We missed you! All the guys and I!" you said as you let go of the tall blonde.

"I missed you guys too! That's why I'm so excited to be back! And just in time for the parade, too. I wish Tino were here. He would love this."

It was true. Your Finnish friend Tino did love Christmas. "Yeah, he would," you agreed. But, you were actually happy it was just you and Matt. You were hardly ever alone together. Normally Matt dragged Lukas along with him.

'Not today,' you thought. Suddenly, you noticed that the Dane was shivering. You handed him your blanket which he thankfully wrapped around himself.

"Thanks," he said.

"No problem," you replied.

The parade started and you looked back at the street. The police cars and firetrucks and ambulances were first. Then came the fun and colorful floats. The ones that handed out candy to the kids. You watched intently, completely unaware of Mathias behind you.

He would look at the float that was passing by. Sometimes he'd wave or smile. And then his gaze returned to you. He knew he had feelings for you, but he just didn't know how to tell you. And then, he got an idea.

About halfway through the parade, you started to get really cold. It began to snow. You began to shiver. Matt, being Matt, noticed not even five seconds later. And, this was his chance to confess.

So, Mathias opened the blanket and wrapped you up in it too, like the blanket was hugging you from behind instead of a person. You were surprised at his sudden closeness.

He leaned down next to your ear and whispered, "Jeg elsker dig."

You looked up at him. You actually understood what he had said. He had just said 'I love you' in Danish and you had understood it.

He smiled down at you. "So?"

"So, jeg elsker også dig," you replied, speaking in his native language. He smiled and kissed your cheek.

This was the start of a new relationship with your best friend who you had had a crush on for years. And it was all because of a parade.

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