Chapter 1

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Lexis pov
Today I have to go to magcon
with my brother Matt I don't really want to go the boys get annoying sometimes (Don't get me wrong I love all the boys) "Lexi are you ready to leave and head to the airport" Matt yelled from downstairs "Yah ill be down in a a sec" "Just get your ass down here" "Calm the fuck down" "Kids watch you mouths" mom yelled at us "Sorry mom" Matt and I said at the same time "Why do I have to even go with you?" "Because Bart wants you to sing because you have an amazing voice and I never said I wanted you to go anyway" "Shut up Matthew" I said slapping him "OW" "Aww did I hurt little Matty" I said in a little baby voice "Whatever lets just leave for the airport"
*Skip to airport*
"Bye mom love you see you soon" "Love you too and Matt keep an eye on your sister" "Mom I can take care of my self" I said in a mean tone "Just be safe love you" "Love you too"
We had to be escorted in because of all the crazy fans one of them pulled my hair "You bitch" I yelled about to go up to her but Matt grabbed me and just made me keep walking "MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW" "No Alexis you need to calm down" "DON'T CALL ME BY MY FRIST NAME" "Then don't call me by mine" "Fine just let me go" he let me go and I calmed down and we just met up with the guys in a private room while we were waiting for our plane "Whats up guys" Matt yelled to them giving them bro hugs or whatever guys do "Hey Lexi" they all said "Hi" I said and just sat down and got on my phone because first I didn't even want to go but my stupid mom was making me go I was pissed off "FLIGHT 207 TO TAMPA FLORIDA" (which I don't know if they actually go there but) they said over the com thing

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