Chapter 11

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Brooke's pov
I swear Lexi and I had the best time at breakfast we still can't get over that it was so funny like everyone was starring at us and we don't even care what people think we could run around naked in a store and not even care that is how much we don't care and I will always be here for Lexi I have known her since we were like born
Lexis pov
We just got back from Starbucks and breakfast and I got Nashes food and stuff but Brooke and I are like going to die because of how much we are laughing we just got back to the hotel room so we went to Nashes or still laughing Nash opened it I handed him our food and he asked "What's so funny" so I took out my phone and he started laughing but he was also mad but still laughing "Wait so that guy was staring at you and gave you his number" he said getting a little back but I kisses him and he kissed back "Babe it's okay we handled it we got eachother a backs" I said putting my hand around Brooke's should we look at eachother and yelled at the same time "BAES FOR LIFE" we just started laughing and since all the guys but Matt were in there they were just staring at us "Okay I'll be right back I wanted to talk to Matt cuz I got him Starbucks but I'm not forgiving him yet but we do need to talk so yah bye" I said hugging Nash and giving him and kiss and waving bye to the guys I decided not to knock since I have a key and I found out that that wasn't a good idea because I found him sucking faces with the one and only Ally Waters I'm so fucking pissed "MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA" he looked up "Its not what it looks like" "YOU FUCKING LIER I KNOW WHAT I SAW I CAME HERE TO TALK BUT YOUR GOING TO SUCK FACES WITH THAT FUCKING SLUT OKAY HAVE FUN AND BTW YOUR NOT MY BROTHER ANYMORE YOU JUST A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND ALWAYS WILL BE BYEEEE" and I threw the Starbucks drink at him and Ally and it got all over them and then since I was about to leave Ally got up and tried to slap me "YOU FUCKING CUNT" I yelled and dodged her slap and punched her like a ton of time and again the guys were out of there room and video tapping this fight and they have the other video just in case and that have the part where she tried to slap me to so I'm good and now her nose was bleeding again and I was in the guys arms them holding me back and Matt right in front of my face "ONE LET GO IFF ME TO MATTHEW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS TO" then he got out of my way the boys let go of me and I just ran and ran and ran till I could run any more
Matts pov
Since Lexi wasn't going to talk to me I decided to have Ally over since nobody else would talk to me because of what I did to Lexi so when she came over we started kissing and making out till I heard the door open "MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA" uh oh I'm screwed its Lexi "Its not what is looks like" I said "YOU FUCKING LIER I KNOW WHAT I SAW I CAME HERE TO TALK BUT YOUR GOING TO SUCK FACES WITH THAT FUCKING SLUT OKAY HAVE FUN AND BTW YOUR NOT MY BROTHER ANYMORE YOU JUST A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND ALWAYS WILL BE BYEEEE" Lexi yelled and then threw a Starbucks drink at me and Ally then Ally got up and when to slap Lexi which is not a good move and Lexi dodged it "YOU FUCKING CUNT" she yelled at her and started punching her and by now the guys where in here video tapping it and now holding Lexi back and ally is on the ground bleeding and now that the guys are holding Lexi I got up in front of Lexi to see if she was okay which she was but she yelled at me "ONE LET GO OF ME TWO MATTHEW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FAVE BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS" now I know she is pissed the boys let go of her I got out of her way and then she went running down the hallway to don't know where

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