The Meeting

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Hi guys, i decided to update now i guess -Lexi


I wake up to my phone ringing and see it's Syntheia...

"hello?" I say grogily

"we have a meeting... Hurry up and get here..." She says and my eyes widen and I whisper shit...

I hurry and change into my "uniform" which consists of black adorable boots, tight leather leggings, and a leather jacket.(picture to side... maybe if i can get it to work...probably not...)

I drove in my black Camaro to pick up Syntheia and drive us to the warehouse.

You are probably wondering why we are going to a warehouse.... And for a meeting at that, and wearing all black... Well simple me and Syntheia are in a gang. I know what you may be thinking, aren't most gangs only for guys? Most are yes, we are the only I know of that has girls... And we only have 2 girls, me and Syntheia.

The only reason I'm in this gang is cause it pays damn good and cause I'm pretty much the leader, there is only one person higher than me and we don't know his last name and we are supposed to call him "Big Daddy".  Also I'm in this gang because if I wasn't I would be dead, because my brother was in it and he didn't have any children to take his place, so I had to.(you will find out what happened to him later on)

We had our pierce the veil CD in and we were rockin' out! The meeting are always extremely short so ya... 

When we get there >.

"ONE OF MY SONS ARE COMING HERE TOMORROW 11PM! DON'T BE LATE! OK DISMISSED!"Big daddy says and the whispering begins, I knew he had 3 children but I've never met them oh well..

When nobody has left he yells again "I SAID DISMISSED!" Then everybody starts to file out.

Me and Syntheia get back in my Camaro and I drive her home.

"I wonder of he is hot." She says.

END OF CHAPTER MOFOS SORRY IT'S SHORT I TYPED THIS IN SCIENCE ON MEH PHONE SO YA... I was gonna update when I was sick... But I didn't feel like it... Sorry guys -Lexi

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