Chapter Five

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Melody's P.O.V

I look at Isabella who is stood by Papa, I watch them in silent, "You're going to drill a hole into them if you keep looking at them like that," Merlin says and sits beside me, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing I'm fine," I say leaning back into my seat and drinking some ale.

Merlin shakes her head, "You can't lie to me Melody, what's going on?" She asks, "If you're wondering about Issie... It is actually her spirit," She tells me and I nod with a smile, "Feel better now?"

"Yeah I do thanks," I smile at Merlin

Isabella walks up to us, "Merlin, been so long," She says with a smile, "I want to thank you for helping my Melody," Isabella looks at me with a closed smile, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks... I'm sorry, I don't know what to really say around you," I say looking at her, "I don't even know what to call you..."

"I understand," Isabella smiles, "Why not Issie or Iss for now?"

"Thank you for understanding," I say and drink some ale.

Isabella sat down with us and looks at me, "How bad as your fathers pervertedness got?" She asks and I look at her with an unreadable expression, "That bad?"

"So much worse," Merlin says.

"Lunch is ready!" Ban says, walking up to us with two plates and puts them in front of Isabella and me, "Enjoy," Ban presses his forehead against mine, "Give it a shot babe, you never know what could happen," He walks to Papa and sits with him.

"He loves the bones of you sweetheart," Isabella says and I look at her, "I can tell just by the glint on his eyes whenever he looks at you. You have the same look. It's how your father and I looked at each other."

I smile at her, "thank you," I look at the plate to see beef sandwiches with a side of salad, "I love him... So much, I don't know what I'd do without him now," I look at Ban with a smile, "It may have only been a small amount of time, but I can't see myself with him."

"This is too soppy for me," Merlin says and walks away from us.

"It makes me so happy to see you like this Melody," Isabella says and I blush eating on silence.

After lunch Papa walks to the table and looks at Isabella, "Iss... Can you come with me please?" He looks at me and smiles, "You okay princess?"

"I'm fine Papa," I kiss his cheek and skip off to Diane and King outside the tavern before flipping down on King's Chastefol.

"Hey Melody, what's your mum like?" Diane asks.

"Well... I'm not exactly sure, only had one conversation really with her and all we did was talk about Ban," I say looking at Diane.

King flies down looking behind me, "Does she like me?" I hear a deeper voice and look to see Ban walking up.

"Yeah, she's happy for us," I say and sit up, looking at him, "And that we look at each other the way she and papa looked at each other."

"Really?" Ban smiles and walks to me, putting himself between my legs with his arms around my waist, "That's a relief," He smiles and leans in, "Come here," He closes his eyes.

I giggle and look at King and Diane making Ban kiss my cheek. Diane and I laugh and King shakes his head, "Awe did you miss?" I question looking back at Ban.

Ban grumbles and tangles his fingers in my hair, "I've been working all day with no ale," He tells me.

"Well done, that makes me so proud," I giggle and playfully struggle against him to get free, "What do you want, a reward or something?" I ask tilting my head looking at him.

"Yes," Ban says bluntly and pulls me closer to him, then carries me back in the tavern, "I'm going to get my reward," He chuckles and puts his hands under my butt to keep me in his arms.

"Ban what are you doing to my daughter?" Papa asks dangerously, I look at him to see him glaring at his best friend with Isabella stood beside him smiling at us.

"I've been a good boy getting Isabella's approval," Ban chuckles, "And your princess won't give me a reward."

"You sound like a child right now, Mini Human Giant," I giggle and place my hands on his cheeks then lean in. I brush our noses together, "Okay fine," I smile and kiss him gently then pull back, "Better?"

"No not better," Ban says and places his hand on the back of my head then pulls me down and kisses me a little more passionately than I did. I kiss back and our lips move in sync then I tangle my fingers in his hair.

We pull back and I remove my legs from Ban's waist, "Consider your reward costed," I say and walk behind the bar, getting a cloth out of a cupboard.

"That all I get?" Ban whines walking to the bar.

"Stop being greedy Ban," Isabella says with a giggle.

"No can do ma'am, I'm the fox sin of greed," Ban says and I roll my eyes as I start cleaning the bar counter, "You got something to say?" He says as he gets closer to me.

I look up at him and smile, "Yes, I love you... greedy or not," I giggle and go back to cleaning ignoring Papa calling us soppy.

Isabella walks around to me, "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asks and I look at her, looking her up and down noticing she's in the tavern's uniform.

"Can you do the windows and windowsill, please?" I say handing her a cloth.

Isabella nods taking the cloth and goes to a window. I look down and carry on cleaning the bar counter, humming to myself.

Isabella and me clean the tavern with help from Papa and Ban, but more Isabella and me as the two men start drinking and getting drunk. Isabella soon kicked then out of the tavern so we could clean without them getting under our feet.

After hours of cleaning, Isabella and I have locked everyone out of the tavern, closed curtains and are now in the kitchen making everyone dinner. As we cook we start getting to know each other and having a laugh.

I feel comfortable with Isabella now, not to the point I can call her mum, but I can really just call her Iss without thinking it's too impersonal.

I found out that her and Papa met when they were children, when she was banned from the Goddess Clan and the Demon King took her in because of her power of Destructive Fuel, something unholy for a Goddess. Iss and Papa soon found out they were mates and went through a lot to be accepted by their fellow brothers and the Demon King. I still don't know why she was thrown out of the Goddess Clan but I know that it's a topic for another time.

Isabella lets everyone back into the tavern and they see the tables all laid out with spaghetti and meatballs for us all. Ban walks to me and kisses my head, "Smells lovely, where am I?" He asks and see his name beside mine, "Who we with?" He asks.

"Papa and Iss," I tell him and I help Iss with the drinks for everyone.

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