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Kai Chisaki also known as Overhaul is leader of Shie Hassaikai organization. After a meeting in League of Villains base, where we lost Magne and Mr. Compresses arm, Shigaraki decided to have another meeting with him, alone.

Overhaul and Shigaraki didn't work as well as they wanted to, but Overhaul being a peacock he is, decided to work with Shigaraki with need of help, giving him one of his powerful subordinates in help of escape as Overhaul was having a itty bitty problem with heroes.

Shigaraki didn't like the idea too much as Overhaul suggested one of very powerful that would be wate to lose, that being you, Toga, Twice and Kurogiri. Kurogiri was having trouble at the time so he chose the three of you. You guys were like Team Rocket, never getting even half of the job done.

When you came it was rather... Surprising to say with who he was working with. Overhaul had people with strong quirks, but not with smart brains, it seemed as if they were brain washed at some point.

They were all loyal to him, calling him 'Master Overhaul'. Not to mention that this guys were worshiping him like he was a God.

It was also surprising that he didn't considerate himself as a villain nor hero, saying that he is nothing like ,, you people,, as he said. In his eyes he was someone who would make world pure again. That's when you knew something might be wrong with him same for Toga and Twice, but respecting him was an only option, you guys didn't want to end like Magne or Mr. Compress, now that would be a waste.


"After a introduction, I would like to know your quirks, if we are going to work together then we'll have to know what positions we would have around the base." Overhaul said, looking very intimidating. The shiver under your spines made you gulp a bit, while for Toga, she looked at them and smiled "Ya know, even tho we have to work together, I still don't like you guys. So to put it simple, no we aren't saying a thing about our quirks, instead you guys would have to learn by watching.~"

"Yeah, everything she said- my lips are sealed-" Twice shouted in agreement. You nodded, they couldn't possibly make you guys talk, can they.. Right?

"Well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way..." Said Overhaul, looking at Twice. A man behind the couch looked at Twice as well "What's your quirk?"

In that instant Twice started explaining his quirk, not only how it works, what os he's weakness and what he doesn't do with his quirk "-- and for personal reason, I can't use it on myself--.... Why did i say that--?!"

You looked at him wide-eyed, trying to process what just happend and why "You're an idiot..." Toga said looking at Twice "b-but it wasn't me?!" Twice said, muttering and scolding himself for opening that big mouth of his.

"And what's your quirk?" Asked a man behind Overhaul, this time looking at Toga. You looked at her and was shocked as she was like Twice, saying information about her quirk, how it works, ect. At the end she put her hands at her lips and looked at Twice and he looking at her " See?"

Then they looked at you, not knowing what to say, you looked at them wide-eyed, Twice was putting a finger on his lips while Toga was lip-syncing 'don't say a word.' You, being an bigger idiot of the three, started explaining your quirk as little as possible.

Overhaul stared at you "Is that all?" He asked. A sweat dropped at your forehead "Well yes, but actually no..." You said, looking around not wanting to talk anymore, that was the limit of your social skills.

"Oh c'mon, just spit it put already, I DoN't HaVe AlL DaY!" Said a little plush, who sat next to him. You looked at him and got the feeling of wanting to just hit him with your foot like he was a ball or something

"Well, I'm not here because of you, I'm here because of Overhaul so in case I'm taking your time too much, you can always walk away, here is a door." You said, pointing at door behind you.

Twice and Toga snickered at your left, while the plush-man was getting boiled up "What did you say, YoU DaMn ScUm-!" He shouted at you, ready to fight you "-Joi, Joi please, they are here for a reason, we don't want to scare them away..." Said Overhaul, getting up from his seat.

"But Master, how would we know at which part of the base are they going to attack?" Asked a man who stood behind him. Overhaul sighed, little annoyed by the man " Look Nemoto, they did what I asked for and I'm the one doing plans, so don't you worry your little head over it, alright." Overhaul said, finally leaving the room.

"I swear on my fucking YEEZES, if you made him mad, YoU WoUlDn'T sEe AnOtHeR dAy! Once again shouted Mimic, this time threating you. You looked at him, even more confused as what did you do to make him angry "Oh and by the way, you guys aren't allowed to go outside, you know because of your reputation..." Said a man in white coat while walking out of the room in which was Overhaul.

"A HOUSE ARREST, ARE YOU KIDDING!" shouted Twice in angry confusion "What the heck, I wanna be free!" Added Toga, you just sighed sadly 'no chicken nuggets today, I guess...'

"A good old game of shogi..." Overhaul x readerWhere stories live. Discover now