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"So, while the others are at their positions, we just gonna, ya know, leave the base?.." You asked, looking up at Overhaul while holding Eri making sure she isn't uncomfortable in your arms.

"Seem about right, you are gonna be taking a run to exit, in case something goes down." Said Chrono. He walked little behind, taking care of Overhauls back.

You nod in participation and looked at Eri. Her red eyes and light blue hair reminded you of Shigaraki 'ah Shiggy, if only you knew what this men were making you do..' you thought, thinking about Shigaraki and his crusty lips.

Overhaul peeked at you, seeing you cheeks all pink it sure made his cheeks warm up too, it brought a smallest smile on his lips as possible. 

Chronostasis noticed how his boss was acting and wasn't sure why. It bugged him on how his childhood friend was acting and every time he asked if he was alright, he would only nod and look back at his papers like nothing happened.

It made him worry it was your fault, he had a conversation about it, but Overhaul wasn't interested and didn't mind turning him off in case your name comes out of his lips.

~~~~~after a long walk, in distance was heard a scream from Mimic, in that moment it was shaking a little~~~~~

You looked around a bit, confused by what was heard in distance.

"It seems like Joi got angry, well that was waste of time explaining..." getting out of the facade he was in, Overhaul got annoyed by the shaking building.

You looked at Overhaul little mad at what he said, sure you didn't like Mimic either because of his angry nature, but wasn't he his loyal recruit, his manager, it was really like what you thought, Overhaul didn't care that deeply about anybody in his organization.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I would like to get that little girl out of your disgusting restrains, Chisaki!"  you looked behind seeing young man standing.

Overhaul looked at him, anger in his eyes "Don't use that name, you have no rights, I abounded It!" While saying that he was getting off one of his gloves. Eri gasped "No, please don't hurt him!" She shouted, grabbing at your cloth tightly, closing her eyes to stop tears from coming.

Overhaul looked at her and the you "Go, exit is straight, we're going to catch up when we are done with this guy!" Chronostasis said, preparing his gun.

You started running, Eri already at the edge of letting tears go. You felt your heart getting heavy, you didn't want this little girl in pain anymore, nether physically or mentally.

Instead of getting her out in the ally you were supposed to wait for Overhaul in case something like this happens, once you were out, you looked around to find the nearest hero around.

"Alright Eri, there are police officers, they will help you okay?" You said looking at Eri. Her grip tightened "B-but I wa-want you to stay with m-me, s-so you would be safe t-too..."

You smiled at her, knowing that this is the only choice to do if you want her safe.

"No, it's alright Eri, I'm already safe with my squad, all it matters now is your safety, so here, you can have it..." You said, pointing at the police, hugging her "B-but what if O-Overhaul finds y-you?... I don't w-want you t-to get h-urt" She said, getting scared.

"Don't worry, as long as police is here, your in safe hands.. I promise!" you said, as she ran towards the police cop, you started looking around.

It was time to find your Jessie and James a.k.a Twice and Toga.

A/N : boy oh boy do i like making mistakes with my life

"A good old game of shogi..." Overhaul x readerWhere stories live. Discover now