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Hello I am here with another story and hope you guys enjoy it, it's also vhope which is a plus lol, I hope everyone is doing well these days and if not I send my love to you and also everyone else💖. Now I will get on with the intro and explanations and stuff.😊

Chapter size may vary depending on the scene.

The story may change from first person to third or may also vary, I'll try my best to state when it changes if I didnt make it clear.
If the persons are confusing I'm sorry but I'll try my best to explain them.

This font will be when someone is actually thinking and talking to themself inside their head.
When the person is narrating it'll just be the regular font like this.
It may also be a mix of both at the same time like in the first chapter but only in some chapters if not all.
I dont think it's that confusing but if it is I'm sorry in advance and I'll try my best next time.

There will also be different POVs and it will be stated.
There may be flashbacks throughout the story if not just in the beginning.

The only WARNINGS I think I would have to put for this book would be ABUSE and BULLYING and maybe some SEXUAL HARASSMENT, not too much but it will be present, and MAYBE ATTEMPTED RAPE depending, and if any other warnings that aren't listen but end up coming up as the story goes I'll make sure to note it at the top.

There may or may NOT be smut, I'm still debating on that, maybe I might have a little action but not go all the way but idk I'll see what I can do since I'm not so good at writing that.

I don't think I have anything else to say besides I hope this info helped and you understand and I just hope you guys enjoy this book and that I did a good job.😁👍

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