The Lady and Joseph

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 "Oh, sweet child," to Joseph, her voice was soothing as a mother's lullaby. "You truly are so innocent." She giggled in a teasing manner, of which Joseph didn't take too kindly to. He was skeptical of finding answers in a madwoman. Especially one who didn't give her name right away. It was in a fit of despair that she had appeared to him in the village bar, drunk on yeast, he had forgotten to even get her name but foolishly gave her the description of where he resided. At least, that's what he thought happened, he wasn't too sure of himself. Especially given his current paranoia. It had been a whole week since Joseph had met her acquaintance, since then, he hadn't put much thought into the exchange, thinking it were in jest and perhaps, still may be yet.

"So, when the ritual occurs, what will happen to..."

"Shhhhh.. hush now, sweet child." Her voice willed him to cease his worries and he obeyed, bowing in an apologetic gesture. Her laughter appeared again, soothing and caressing his inner ear canal. "You mustn't worry, Joseph. All will soon be revealed and your child will come. He will be born with abilities never dreamt of, never even conceived as a possible reality."

Joseph felt a pang of worry still. He didn't quite fully trust this woman and her craft. In fact, he didn't even really understand it. Joseph too had a craft, one that he loved dearly and was a perfectionist at. But this craft that the lady had spoke of was new to him, thus, he was very skeptical in pursuing its promise. Joseph knew the price that she spoke of, but if he did not produce an heir that resembled his bloodline, let alone, produced at all then... He didn't want to think of the consequences. He thought of them far too often to stomach it any further. He instead, put his energy into unearthing the connotations of this artisan.

"Now," The Lady continued, "If you go back on your word there will be severe consequences. such punishments that," she sat on those words for a moment, Joseph didn't let her see his unease. He wouldn't give her THAT much power and authority, he gave too much of that to his family and village already, she had seemed to make note of this, or so the narrowness in her eyes suggested, as if disappointed in his reaction and he could see that displeasure on her perfect face. That perfect face.. seemed to put Joseph in a trance.. one that he would fall easily in and out of again, again... "Consequences that CAN and WILL destroy you and your whole village. Your whole existence will be swallowed. Puny and feeble as it may be." At that, he shuddered, cursing himself for letting up his confidence, regardless of its falseness. Her rather point of claim and emphasis on the words, can and will, surely being a threat to Joseph. What was he doing? He thought. Why was he actually even believing such things and going along with them as if they were real.. as if his attraction and need of touching her was actually real.. it didn't make sense to Joseph.

Joseph couldn't help but stare into her eyes. She was serious and stern on the fact that there would be obvious ramifications, he was not going to take that warning lightly. In fact, he didn't take it well at all. For once, he was beginning to feel unease about it all, an unease that would be best described as a need to run and never stop running. But he couldn't... Not from those eyes.. To them, maybe, but never from. He was simply going to play along with her madness, not realizing of course, it wasn't even his choice to begin with. He was helpless.. Strange though, despite the spelling of doom, the lady's pure, silky texture and milky tone was pure magnificence and completely opposite of the dark presence that she put upon the room. Joseph looked up and down, admiring so, her light as sky blue eyes pierced into him and it was then that he realized she knew of his admiration. Her blonde hair was also of fire.. or of blood.. It almost seemed to dance in place, slight movements that resembled that of water.

Her jaw was strong, and her nose perfectly centered in the oval of her beautiful face. Joseph began to feel vulnerable. Almost intoxicated. But.. How.. and this is where Joseph was truly questioning himself and these.. feelings that seem to have crept into his mind. For Joseph had only felt a pull towards the same sex, the female body did nothing for him, which was a testament to the situation, him being disgusted of the whole act of sex with a woman. But a man.. He knew he needed to produce a child and perform the right of marriage and the ceremony of bedding the first night. The breaking of the hymen and spilling of the blood. Evidence of its completion was needed in the ways of the land. King David would need strong heirs to continue their growing line. But Joseph couldn't perform because of his lack of attraction to-

"Joseph?" Turning, Joseph felt a fright of panic begin to rise. He didn't want her a part of this. She had been so loyal and understanding to him, true, but if she knew he talked to this Lady about rituals and ceremonies and sacrifice, real or not, she could very well turn on him and even turn him in to authorities. He wanted to say something, he wanted to explain the situation and to, in detail, reassure her that this was a good idea. That this was the only way to go about this because of his.. Problem. But as hee looked into the newcomer's eyes.. Her innocence.. Her ignorance.. He was only able to utter one thing, weakly and dry of mouth..


The Lady, Teaser Chapters; in connection to the Genesis of ManWhere stories live. Discover now