Chapter 12

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Weapons were lined up against the wall from smallest to biggest. There were armor suits on the other side of the vault. At the end of the vault was a black and red greatsword.

"Night's Call. It's actually real!" Roman smiled, walking over to the greatsword.

"The what now?" Virgil asked.

"Night's Call, the greatsword. I thought it was fake, but it's real." Roman looked at it. "It's the most powerful sword in all of Wonderland."

"If that's the case, can Thomas use it to defeat the Jabberwocky?" Logan asked.

"What!? He can't wield a sword such as this!" Roman gestured to the Night's Call.

"Why not?" Logan questioned.

"Look at him!" Roman pointed at Thomas. "He's... uh... not strong enough."

"Gee, thanks..." Thomas muttered and crossed his arms.

"Just let him borrow it only for this, Roman," Patton said.

Roman was silent. Then he sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you," Logan said. "Thomas, grab the sword. We're going to do some training with it."

"Alright." Thomas shrugged. Thomas picked up the sword with a struggle.

"See? He's not strong enough." Roman muttered.

"Let's just get through training first." Logan crossed his arms.


Thomas used his sword and blocked Logan's attack. Logan disappeared with his magic and appeared behind Thomas.

"Behind," Logan said as he kicked Thomas in the back. Thomas grunted and fell on the ground. He turned and looked up at Logan. "Not strong enough, Thomas."

Thomas sighed and got up. He dusted himself off and picked up the sword.

He thought of his life back in the real world and how Jon must miss Thomas. Thomas sighed and sat down on a rock. Everyone looked at Thomas, worriedly.

Patton walked up to Thomas. "Is something wrong, kiddo?"

Thomas nodded. "I just miss my boyfriend."

"Oh..." Patton muttered. He sat down next to Thomas. "I guess it was my fault for bringing you here in the first place..."

"Don't blame yourself, Patton. Wonderland needs my help and I was curious when I first saw you. Even though I miss everyone at home, I want to help this place the best I can."

"Which is why you are Thomas. I wanted to prove that I'm more than just the White Rabbit who is seen as crazy. I wanted to prove that I can bring the real Thomas here."

"Do you really think I'm the real Thomas?" Thomas asked.

"Of course. Everyone wants to prove that." Patton smiled and looked at the others.

"All right then. I'll prove to that Caterpillar I have what it takes." Thomas smiled.

"Right." Patton nodded.

Thomas In Wonderland|Sanders Sides AUWhere stories live. Discover now