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Name calling it is one of the most commen form of bullying and it can be one of the worst for any kid it is emoshinly damiging they get so much horrible words sayed to them that they start to beleve it.

As I walked through school I herd the same words over and over agen " fat bitch " " slut " "skinny rat" after a while I started to wounder how I was fat and yet I was skinny. How I was a bitch but I never spoke to them. How I was a slut but never even kissed a boy. How I was a rat and yet I was prety sure I was a person. How I was ugly and yet most pepole sayed I was such a cute kid. As I soon relised they didnt care what other pepole sayed what they sayed was all that,matterd

Xox hey I want to know if I should rewright this or just keep going




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