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all I can see is blood
you say it's just a flood
but your eyes are blank
my, wide open, beg for help
but no one can SEE my yell
blood is dripping from above
I am standing here alone
can you help me now?
I beg you stop for while

can you kiss me like you used to?
can you love me like you used to?

be here for me, I beg you, please?
I'll forget your sins, just give me kiss
Oh, you become so cold
you were all my world
I can't take ash to my arms
please be here when storm calms

3 stycznia 2020

Apnea - oznacza bezdech. Jest to termin medyczny i chyba najtrudniejsze słowo w całym wierszu, dlatego postanowiłam ci je przybliżyć ^^

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