in your arms i died

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 A sweet person, always smiling. They had a small group of friends, five or six, though when they talked with each other it sounded double that. They loved their friends, they would do anything for them,

even if it meant they would die.

The teen didn't have much in their home, their father was always busy but, they knew he loved them with no ending. Their mother had passed away when they were young so they knew little of her, though they loved her like she was alive. The teen loved their father, they would do anything for him,

even if  it meant they would die.

The teen could feel their life slipping from them, they heard someones voice, however couldn't figure out who it belonged to do to the beating beating of their dying heart. The world became blurry, a ringing filled their ears, they blacked out.

when the teen could see again they were on a stretcher being rushed to the emergency room. They knew they wouldn't make it but, they didn't mind. They died for someone they loved so they weren't sad. though... though...

They felt strangely empty, liked they were missing something... someone...


I reread this and thought it sounded cool so posted it lol.
- Dec. 19 2021: slight edits were made to better the flow of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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