Alone Together (Fake Dating AU)

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With less than a week before his cousin's engagement party, Virgil was doing a great job procrastinating on finding a "date" for the event. Sure he had a few really good friends to ask but Logan and Patton were out of town and that left Roman. Sure he was a great friend but he had an overly inflated ego and high self esteem that led him to be Virgil's- begrudgingly- last resort. A resort that was almost tempting facing the time frame and his lack of a better option.
"Why am I doing this?" Virgil whined to himself. "Oh yeah, cause some idiot said he had a date to Remy's party, and half a month is apparently way to much freaking time to prepare for it." He groaned, pulling out his phone to make the phone call.

After two painstakingly long rings, Sir Sing-A-Lot finally answered. "Hey Princey, how is the most amazing friend I have doing on this wonderful day?" Virgil was trying to appeal to Roman's good side without making it super noticeable, it failed.
"What do you need Virge?" Roman replied nonchalantly. "Ineedyoutofakedateme." Virgil rushed out.
"You need me to what?"
"I need you to fake date me" Virgil repeated, "My cousin is throwing a big party, and I need a date so I'm not the awkward, emo, gay, and family failing cousin in the corner on my phone. Will you please rescue me from judgement?"
Roman was silent for a few moments, "Where, When, and would a tuxedo be over doing it?" Virgil sighed in relief before relaying all the details.

After a few whirlwind days, the party was upon them. Roman pulled into his driveway, winking and whistling at Virgil's approaching figure.
"Shuttup. You don't need to be that convincing, these middle aged sticks in the mud will think we're dating if you smile at me."
Roman replied smirking, "It's not my fault you look good on purple. And besides, if we are going to do this, we should have fun with it."
Virgil shyly smiled before reverting to his regular near-sneer. "Fine, but you don't have to go all Disney Prince on me."

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the building. Walking in, Virgil noticed a few of his relatives giving them a double take, before returning to their drinks and gossip.
Remy smiled walking over to the two. "Whose this handsome fellow, cuz?"
"Roman Prince, my boyfriend, Rem. Roman, meet Remy Sanders." Virgil introduced. After some small talk, Virgil dragged Roman to a table so he could avoid conversation for a bit. However, as soon as music started to play over the speakers, Roman was begging to dance. "Please, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance-"
"That's not the name of the band and you know it"
"-Who cares? May we please dance? They're playing great songs and we have to dance."
"Fine, one song." Roman dragged Virgil towards the dance floor, before leading him through a basic ballroom dance.
"Where'd you learn do dance so well?" Virgil questioned smiling. "PE, it was a required unit." Roman replied. After a few songs, including a hilarious attempt at the Cha Cha Slide, Roman was finally tired enough to sit back down at the table. Virgil leaned his head on Roman's shoulder, silently thanking him.

Once the party was finished and they were back in Virgil's driveway, Virgil turned to Roman.
"Thank you for being my fake date for this. I surprisingly had a lot of fun tonight."
"You are very welcome Virgil, I had a lot of fun too." He replied, before kissing Virgil's hand. Virgil quickly kissed Roman's cheek before running inside. Maybe Roman wasn't as bad as he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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