New Boy

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Second day of school

Third Person Omniscient Cause I'm God now ig haha look at me I'm not like the other girls 😜😋🤤


Leaving Nezu's office Aizawa groans to himself, imagining the headache he's going to have after today.  Why couldn't this kid have just showed up on the first day like all the other brats.

Atleast this one 'll be quiet.

- - - - - -

The door to Class 1-A opened to reveal the exhausted hero.  He trudged toward the front of the now silent class without bothering to adress his students.

"Today we'll be having a new student... he doesn't speak so don't bother interrogating him because he won't respond."  The class (minus a few) were easily excited at the idea of having a new classmate.  One boy in particular started to mumble quietly to himself, pondering all the possibilities the new student's quirk could be, causing some of those seated around him to side glace at him in worry.

Just then their was a knock on the classroom door.

"You can come in now."  Aizawa followed with a sigh.  A boy walked into class 1-A, wearing the student uniform cause wtf else would he be wearing he isnt the next ouran highschool host club oc 🙄💅.  He had white, fluffy hair and a... strange face.  He had a small smile, and large eyes.  While the existence of quirks had caused a huge leap in the standards for an ordinary appearance... a face like his was still fairly out of the "ordinary."

But he was still oddly..... cute??? 🤨⁉️

Aizawa continued as the class stared at the newcomer in awe(?), "This is your new classmate, Kiyoshi.  No last name.  Treat him with respect."

The cute (but still fuckin' weird) boy stood happily in front of the room and slowly bowed.  His smiley face never changing.  "Is it just me, or does it seem like he hasn't blinked this entire time..."  Kaminari whispered lowly to a student near him.

"Kiyoshi, your seat is the empty desk over there."  It was only now that the class noticed the extra desk in the back of the room that Aizawa was now pointing toward.  "Now that that's over, we can continue."

Their class moved along as normal, 

uNtiL luNch aRriVEd. (AN/Haha it's funny cause its ominous haha he haha 😜😋😜🤤)

As soon as class was dissmissed, the students (except a select few) all crowded around their new classmates  desk.  They started bombarding him with questions at rapid fire, until Todoroki spoke up, "Weren't you all paying attention to what Aizawa sensei said?  He's mute."  The students all sweatdropped, having already forgotten.

Kiyoshi seemed to have no reaction to his new classmates' momentary ignorance.  He simply gave them a small wave, his smiling face never changing.

Kirishima was the first to snap back into reality, "uhm... well...  My names Kirishima Eijiro!"  He exclaimed happily, causing a train reaction of name introductions.  Kiyoshi would more often then not just nod his head toward the person introducing themself, so they knew they had his attention.

When introductions were over, Iida stood near the door and exclaimed, "I believe it would be best if we all head to lunch before we run out of time!  A nutritious lunch is very important if we wish to have energy for our training!"  His over exaggerated hand movements and yelling grabbed everyone's attention.  "Iida's right!  We should all get going now,"  Kirishima was then cut off by a confused Kaminari.  "Uuuuhh guys...

...where the fuck did he go...?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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