◦•●◉✿Episode 2✿◉●•◦

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How do you think you all did?

Wynter: I think we did well for our first performance as a team.

Chloe: I think we all did well showing our best side.

Are you ready for the results?

Joohyun: I don't think I'll ever be ready. Is this an elimination round?

Minseo: I don't want to go home early again.


The girls sat in the boardroom, waiting for Kris.

"Why did we have to come in here? The practice room would have been good enough." Soojin asked, drumming her fingers on the table top.

"Stop that, you're making me nervous." Minseo put a hand over Soojin's, silencing them.

The door opens and Universe's Jeonghwa walk in the room. The girls stand to greet her.

"Good afternoon ladies. How are we doing?"

"We're doing fine." they responded.

"I will be standing in as the company representative for the next two weeks and will be overseeing this mission. Walking in, I can see the worry on your faces. What's your biggest worry right now?" Sooyoung raised her hand.

"We don't know how many of us will be going home today." Jeonghwa nodded, waiting for anyone else to raise their hands.

"Is that the general concern?" the group nodded.

"For the duration of Blooming Sakura, no one will be getting eliminated until the final episode. The company thought this would be the best way for everyone to show off all their talents as much as possible."


Seoyeon: Hearing that made me feel ten times better.

Eva: All my stress went right out the window.


"However, don't get too comfortable because the more you show your potential, the more likely you will earn the votes you need to make the final group. With that said, let's take a look at the ranks from your first performance." she turned to the staff member in the corner. "Please reveal the bottom five ranks."


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Chloe (10): 10th... it's too early to be struggling like this

Seoyeon (9): I'm not feeling so good anymore.


"Congratulations Ariel. If this were the final announcement, you would be an official member of the final group. Seoyeon and Chloe, how are you feeling right now?"

The screen splits to Seoyeon and Chloe, showing their reactions

"I don't know how I feel. I thought I did my best, despite my part being small. I will keep trying my hardest though." Chloe lowered her eyes to the table.

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