Introduction 「ch1」

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Stuck in an eternal snow globe

It had been said that 'once upon a time an innocent human had been killed, wrongfully accused. Since then the village had been cursed by the gods, never to see a summer's flower again.' We were trapped, like dolls in a cold snow globe. A very cold, unforgiving snow globe.

The mountain was frozen over, in all honesty Kai couldn't be surprised. It had been
like this since he was born, his village, the rivers, mountains, everything was cold as the ice grew. He knew of the old tale, everyone did, yet he played no mind to the freezing weather and tried to focus on the other things he had to do for the day. There was no use in sulking, waiting for the 'never-ending winter' to end, if you want to get out you have to work for it, that's what kept Kai from giving up.
"Kai! You're here, finally. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" A girl's voice chirped in a mocking way, clearly trying to strike a nerve.
"No." Kai replied simply, "And frankly, I don't really care Ivón. We aren't going to be late and that's all that matters. Where's Dakari?"
"Dee? I haven't seen him, now that I think about it. Maybe he isn't coming in-"
"I'm here!" Dakari came running over to the other two, panting, they had clearly ran a long way. "Sorry! I overslept! My bad haha"
"'Kay let's start heading to school now, hurry up! We'll actually be late!"

Arriving at school, after a lot of talking about the holidays and catching up, the trio finally got to their destination, right on time.
The winter wind howls as the students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends are greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while newcomers stand looking scared. The seniors stand, tall and proud, confidence born of experience. Soon the bells ring and everybody runs except an occasional slowcoach or chatterbox. Kai, Ivón and Dakari had to split up to go to their new tutor rooms for the morning, the three had been at the school for quite a while so they were comfortable finding their specified rooms and helping the younger/ newcomers to find theirs.

After thirty minutes of making acquaintances with the new tutor group and teacher, the second bell sounded and the day started. The day was boring. Time was going by extremely slowly, for all of them, yet, as every start of the year, the newcomers asked for help around the corridors and the school in general. This allowed the day to pass just a bit quicker, Kai, despite his 'scary and dark' appearance, loved to help others when he could and give the utmost precision to avoid mistakes. A heart of gold.

The same routine happened in a monotonous way, as the norm, all the pupils had gotten used to it.

RING! The second bell screeched, even after all those years Kai, and the other two, had not gotten used to the sound as it rang in their ears signaling the start of the first period. "Art." Kai muttered under his breath, reading his timetable. He then folded the piece of paper and slipped into his pocket, he honestly should have learnt his timetable by now but it just didn't seem to stick for some reason, as if something was occupying his whole brain space.

Dakari slumped in front of his grey plastic-covered desk, flicking at the tape that peeled from the side to reveal the vibrant wood underneath.
'Ha,' they thought silently while smirking to themselves, 'Is this what the world is? Hiding all of the fun, cheerful stuff under a layer of emotionless paint?' Dee's thoughts were interrupted as the teacher called on them, "Dakari Cheimon? Earth to Dakari, ah, it's nice to see that you are paying attention to the lesson. Since you are too smart to listen to me, solve the question on the board. Come on, chop chop!"
Dee looked at the murky green chalkboard, 'If 3x-y=12, what is the value of 8^x/2^y?'
They then glanced at the teacher. Even though Dee hadn't been listening it was quite clear based on the face she was making that this was a question to publicly humiliate him, yet she had messed up. Dakari was smarter than the average person for their age. So they snatched the chalk from the teacher, not forgetting to 'subtly' give her a death stare, which was reciprocated. Dee answered the question, threw the chalk on the teacher's desk and sat back down, placing their head on the desk and looking out of the window. The teacher scoffed as she saw the right answer on the board and continued with her lesson.

These plastic chairs were alright a few grades ago but now all the heights were wrong and it made his back ache. The teacher droned on, they weren't quite sure what the topic was, something about formulas. Something they already knew. What felt like the back end of a pencil jabbed him in the shoulder blade. Dee turned, it was Finn. "Wanna take a package tonight?" They knew exactly what was in it and their mother had told him not to, ever. But Dakari also knew how much it paid and it could seriously help at home. Growing up wasn't easy for a child heading over six feet tall. Dee imagined their mom eating her old favourite dinner, Barramundi with vegetables and thyme. It was just a parcel, wasn't like it was too much to do was it? Dakari nodded once and Finn sank back into his seat, returning to running his empire from his phone.

1064 words

Lmao this is my second story but still shit haha

Ivón was in history and loving it, she was the only one who actually wanted to go to school everyday. Though her grades are not the best, she still tries as hard as she can, although this doesn't seem to impress or be enough for her family. Ivón's sister, as much as she tries to help her 'failure' of sister, Ivón still cannot wrap her head around anything, it goes in one ear and straight out of the other. Even Kai and Dakari tried to help her, and it still wasn't working. She was truly a lost cause.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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