Part One

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Yet again, big credit to CampMiraculous

I ran down the stairs, checking all the obvious places Marc could be.
I checked the bathrooms, his classroom and even under the stairs but no sign of him. There was one last place i hadnt checked though.
I ran up the stairs before Eraser came back and burst into the Art room.
There were a lot of people. Alya was holding Nino close in the corner, Marinette and Adrien popped up from under a desk and so many others in my class hiding from the akumatized fan. But no Marc.
"Nathaniel! Im so glad your okay!" Alix skated towards me and pulled me away from the door.
"Yeah im okay but has anyone seen Marc?" I look around at them all shaking their heads and my heart broke a tiny bit.
Then Marinette jumped up. "I'll help you look Nate. He has to be in the school somewhere."
I smiled sadly as Adrien also jumped up. Soon enough, me, Marinette and Adrien had split up to find Marc. We all agreed to call each other if we find him.
Whilst they went off i retraced my steps and there was still no sign of him yet.
Even more what if's flooded my mind.
What if Marc was found by Eraser? What if he was struck by her? And what happens when the victims collapse?
I shook my head, making myself push the thoughts out of my head. Im sure Marc is fine and is just hiding extremely well.
I went back to the toilets and this time i saw a locked cubicle. It could've been anyone but i knocked none-the less.
I heard a small gasp after i knocked and the door creaked open a tiny bit. A large emerald eye looked out looking very scared and my heart skipped a beat.
"Marc?" I aksed breathlessly. He nodded and opened the door a littlw more.
"N-nath? I thought y-you had been..." He trailed off, looking at his feet.

"Well isnt this a lovely reunion?"


First chapter done! I hope its okay and there arent many spelling mistakes :p
I dont have a good schedule for updates yet but i'll try update at least once a week!
And also im sorry its short, i'm trying to make longer ones x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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