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Unknown: Hello

Me: Who is this

Unknown: your number neighbor

Me: Good one, now who are you really?

Unknown: Your friendly neighborhood number, I told you

Me: Let me guess: you were bitten by a radioactive phone and now you're a superhero

Unknown: It's a joke

Me: I just checked

Me: I'm not your number neighbor

Me: And that trend is several years old

Unknown: What's your name?

Me: I can't tell you

Unknown: Why?

Me: Because you might be an axe murderer

Murderer: I'm not tho

Me: Isn't that exactly what a murderer would say?

Murderer: Just give me your name and I'll leave you alone

Me: No, not today


Murderer: BTS<3

Me: I didn't know murderers liked BTS

Murderer: I'm not a murderer

Me: A kidnapper then

Kidnapper: As if anyone would want to kidnap you



Stalker: I'm not a stalker

Stalker: I just think whoever would kidnap you would return you

Stalker: Cause you're annoying af

Me: Right, cause I'm the one who texted you and asked for your name and went, and I quote: UWUUWUUWUUWU

Stalker: Oh shut up

Me: says the dude who keeps insulting me.

"Do I have to continue the conversation?", Beomgyu called out.

"Unless you want to lose the dare, yes", Taehyun answered, then laughed when he saw your messages.

Beomgyu frowned. This was going to take longer than he thought it would.

Crush; Choi BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now