Love and Lies A Country Boys Tainted Love

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Driving down the road that night Jessica felt as free as she could for the first time in her life. Her windows were open and the warm summer breeze was blowing her auburn hair behind her as the sound of her favorite country songs were blaring on the radio. She didn't have a care in the world at this time, she had no place in mind to go, and she could care less about the gas in her car, all she knew at this time was she was free, free from life, and free from worry. So much had gone on in her life in the past year, all she needed was time away and that is just what she did. But lets back track to where it all started.

It all started about a year ago when Jessica met Dave on social media, a simple hearted county boy with a small home in the county, a good job, a nice truck, eyes that looked like gold in the sun, a smile that could melt the polar ice caps, and a voice of angels. She thought it was everything she wanted and everything she needed until she moved in with him and seen that Dave wasn't the man she thought he was. Once moved into his home in the county and they were alone and a couple she began to see changes in Dave she didn't know he had, the sweet innocent county boy had a deep darker side she was now faced to deal with.


Jessica started to talk with Dave, she thought all was well. He seemed sweet and innocent, he had a good job, a nice house, and treated her like a princess, or so she thought. He was taller then her, had dark hair and dark eyes, not really the type Jessica fell for she was more of a blonde hair, blue eye type but the county boys she always fell for no matter their looks. His voice was as sweet as summer honey, so everything he said made her heart melt. The way he talked about their future together made her believe this was it, her happy ending. He was everything a county boy was soposta be according to all the county music she listened to, and she never dated a county boy before so she thought, sure why not give this a try. Promises of camping, bon-fires, country nights outside staring at the stars, going muddling, and four wheeling were all things Jessica loved, and knew she could get going with Dave. She wasn't sure about him at first so she told him that they were going to take it slow, get to know each other, just text and talk on the phone until she felt the right time to move faster and forward, Dave agreed.

They would talk from sun up to sun down just getting to know each other. They talked about their favorite things and everything was the same to liking NASCAR to their favorite NFL team the Steelers. They both loved the outdoors, camping, bon-fires, country music, four wheeling, mudding, even to their movies they agreed on, Jessica was shocked tho that he even liked and was willing to watch chic flicks with her including her favorite, Titianic.

Having her heart broke a few times before, and being scared to fall in love again Jessica wasn't sure about Dave until the day the finally met. They met on an afternoon of a hot June day, it was raining but Jessica didn't care, she wanted to meet this county boy she'd been talking to that was slowing breaking down the wall to her heart.

She stood in her bathroom about an hour before he was to arive to meet her, looking into the mirror that hung on the wall of her bathroom she thought to herself, how the heck do I even want to do my hair and make-up? He seen a million pictures of me on my Facebook but this is different, this is in person.

She picked up her hair straighter and began to straighten her long blondish brown hair, a few strokes of her brush and a few of the hot straighter her hair was flat against her body, perfect she thought, even my hair wants to work with me today, something it never does.

She unplugged the straighter and put it back on the counter and reached for her make up bag that laid next to her hair stuff. Hmmmm... she thought, now what to do? She begain to fidget though all the eye shadow and lip sticks she had trying to figure out the perfect shades to match each other. I guess I'll go natural colors she thought as she picked out an off gold color from the pallets she had. She did her eye shadow, added black eye liner to make it pop and finished with a black mascara. Looks good to me, she thought as she placed everything back in the bag, now for something to wear.

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