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I was flying. The adrenaline was pumping and the movements were quick and perfect, almost as if they were automatic. To anyone else the graceful reaches and jumps would look easy, if not for the sweat and soft grunts every now and then.

The climb was going smoothly and I knew he was watching my every move. His eyes followed every pinch and hook and didn't leave until I had come down when he gave me a curt nod and headed towards the front.

I took my shoes off and quickly put on my slides, catching my breath and stretching my forearms. My hands were hot and my knees had brand new scrapes to match the old ones. I watched him as he helped a young woman as she struggled to stay on the wall.

He patiently taught her the importance of balance and when he reached to show her she became putty in his hands. Most girls did, including me. He was good-looking, sure, but he was also an amazing climber and a good person, anyone could see that. He was also really charming, only I wouldn't know from experience, only from observation.

I'm not sure how long I was watching him help her but when our eyes met his big smile turned to a scowl and he brought her to another section of the gym, away from me.

I packed up my bag, throwing things in carelessly, accidentally catching my finger in one of the carabiners, drawing blood. I finished grabbing my stuff and left as quickly as possible.

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