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"Just don't touch me." Tamia said with a sniffle.
"Babe, I'm here for you. Don't push me away." Jackson cried. Jackson and Tamia have been together for a good 8 months. Jackson is 16 and Tamia is 15. No mess, no lies, just love. "Lil Nigga get cho hands off my Grandchild and let's go!" Tamia's grandmother yelled. Tamia and Jackson shared their last connection with a long, sweet, passionate kiss. Tamia sniffled and a tear was wiped away by Jackson. "You have my number and my address. if anything goes wrong, call me. You know I will drive 5 hours just for you. Bae, look at me." Tamia looked up. " I love you."
"I love you too."
Tamia got in the car and waved goodbye. As the car drive off she curled up in a ball and sobbed.
••Why? Why now? I was planning to lose my virginity to this nigga. He was gonna wife me, we were gonna have kids. my life is done. Over with.••
"We're here!" Grandma Ruby said. "Take Ya bag out the trunk and put it in the house."
Tamia didn't want to go outside. There was a bunch of thugs sitting there waiting to see who's in the black caddie. Some were cute, some were fine ,and some where downright ugly. And she knew she would catch every nigga attention. She had a hourglass figure. Medium in the breasts, but Xtra large in the ass. As she stepped out to car, she could already hear the men asking.
"Who's that sweet thang?"
"Damn she got a ass!"
"Mm she fine as fuck too."
She grabbed her bags all at once. Hoping she only had to make one trip to car. She soon realized she had to make two trips. She quickly put her bags in the house. And made her trip to the car. Her heart started pounding when she saw a figure at the corner of her eye coming her way. She quickly gathered her bags and was stopped by a very fine boy. Light skinned. His smile was amazing, his perfectly curled and greased hair made her smile. The fact that he had no shirt was the best part. " You need any help with that sweethart'?"
Tamia smiled. "Umm no thanks. I got it."
"My name is Deiontae. And yours?"
"Tamia is yo ass still down there? Bring that ass here girl!" Her grandmom shouted.
"My bad. My grandmom keep buggin. "
"It's ight. What school you Tryna go to?"
"I really don't know." Tamia chuckled.
" Go to Raymond Dippler High School. That where I'm at."
"Ok. Bye."
• Damn he was fine. But I gotta remember. I got a nigga.•
There is more to come! Leave comments, and votes. 3 votes and 3 comments and I'll update. Thanks for taking the time to put up with my story! Love Ya ! And follow me on Instagram, @trickxplease
- Joscelia 💖💎👑😈💋

BTW: Deiontae and Tamia are in the MM! And from now on I'll be doing POV's for everyone. So the next update Jackson will have a POV and a picture!

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