The tragic storm

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A tragic storm I received that day, that almost overcame me and took my life away. For 3yrs no memory except for my mom and the tragedy I had to face.   Your foolishness I am still dumbfounded by today. Why didn't you think before that decision you made. EACH day I pay with the ultimate pain. A pain I must CARRY for the rest of my days. You chose to drink, do drugs and justice was I felt denied. You served 4 months for hitting me twice. It was hard to forgive you when I have to pay the price. I saw you twice, since that night.... you told people you would finish the job. When I saw you, you couldn't believe I survived.  I told can kill me with God on my side. You are still driving the exact same ride. You lied and the d.a. was payed off and in jail he resides. Why did you do this... my body with nerve damage and athridous.... are paying the price.. my dreams  now seem outta sight... walking again was my New goal in life. Next my memory I tried to revive. .all bc you chose to end my life that night. You went to my job, and started watching for an opportunity to arrive. I forgive you, bc I'm not giving you power over my will or life. On nights like this.. the pain is overwhelming and all I can do is cry... there's no way to heal it..and with time it grows and thrives. I pray for healing... as I cry out to God, and praying for strength so I can accomplish all I need to in life... I'm not letting it overcome i pray for anyone who is also for someone else's foolishness are paying the price...hold your head high...and constantly pray.....for there will come a day....when healing will come our way.

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