Chapter 2

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Introductions. All small gatherings start with introductions. Only a handful of students have shown up, for an after-school course without credits I wouldn't expect much more.

I hate introductions.

How should I start? I'm a criminal. A criminal named Æsh. I've killed two people, actually make it three. My father airlifted me from the mess I'd already made of my life and air-dropped me into this jungle oasis. I am here to start over. Here to start afresh. I am to repeat a year, not because my grades are poor but so that I stay enrolled in school ... any school that would take me with a history like mine. My father chose well - a school in the heart of a rainforest, a place so remote the closest train station is hours away and the closest airport further still. It's so insulated, I never manage to get cell phone signal.

But who are we fooling ... there's no hiding. I know my troubles will follow me into this jungle sanctuary, however isolated it might be. There is no escaping. I'm the grand saboteur is what I am, sabotaging every opportunity I get, over and over again. Should I introduce myself as Saboteur?

What am I even doing here? I have no idea what's brought me to this gathering. But father said, do not sit idle. Create a routine. Routine is calming, routine is structure. He said, routine is the antidote to chaos.

It's taken my father everything he had to bail me out. I cannot afford to wreck a chance like this again. Like a snake shedding skin, I'll have to discard my old self, if not for his sake, then for mine.

There are eight students present, including myself. The girl who threw origami at me but pretends like she didn't is still staring at the edifice. Raë, she said her name was. She knows most of those present, she seems familiar with her surroundings, she must have joined the school a while ago.

"Let's grab these chairs and gather around," said Mr. Bose, in a clipped accent.

We created a rough circle in the clearing of the garden.

Mr. Bose arranged some extra chairs, presumably in hope of more students arriving. He was a lean almost lithe but strong at the same time. He gave the impression he had it in him to lift the front of a car with one hand. I'd say he is in his mid-fifties. He had an air about him, a way that commanded respect. Was it his posture ... or was it his vibe?

"First and foremost, I would like to introduce Ramu to you," said Bose. A congenial, middle-aged man stepped forward. "He will be at the premises at all times and is here to assist you with any and everything. May I also add, he makes the best chai in the world ... which you can help yourselves to while we wait for others to join."

I poured myself a steaming cup, inhaling the warm scent of cinnamon, cardamom and fresh ginger. Raë poured herself a cup and took a seat in front of me. And I found myself studying her, unconsciously. I couldn't pin down her ethnicity. Her features so rare, I was unable to decode her. She was no doubt unique. She was sui generis.

Mr. Bose took his seat and we settled in after him.

"My name is Advait but I'd prefer it if you call me Bose."

A girl came rushing in and interrupted us, "I hope I'm not too late, I got lost in the forest."

"Please join us. I apologize for the fallen trees. But I don't own the thoroughfare and I can't have them removed till I speak with the rightful owner ... and so far, he has been unreachable."

She took a seat, dropping her bag to the floor.

"Before we get into the details of what this course entails, let's get to know each other a little. Please introduce yourselves and tell us what brought you here."

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