Part 1

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You all know the story of Harry Potter. The boy who lived, saviour of the wizarding world, precious Potter, leader of the Golden trio. You've heard all the names. But the one name you haven't heard for Mr Potter is twin brother of Kovu Potter. That's right, the boy who lived was not the only boy who lived; but more of half of the boy who lived. His brother, Kovu was under one minute younger than Harry, giving them different birthdays; Harry's being on the 31st July 1980 and Kovu's on the 1st August 1980. Harry was born at 11:59 with only 32 seconds until the next day. Kovu was born exactly 32 seconds after Harry at exactly 00:00-the next day. everyone at the hospital thought that this was creepy and strange but never voiced their opinions. Instead they allowed Lily and James Potter to name their new sons and after a week they left. However, Kovu had to be taken back to hospital almost everyday. He was much under average size and weight and no-one knew how long the boy had left. However as it was nearing the boys' first birthdays, he was still giggling and seemed healthy. He didn't eat anywhere near enough but any tests that were run on the child said that he was completely healthy. You could see most bones in his body but he never seemed to put an ounce of fat on. By the end of the year, they gave up trying to figure out why he was like this and just let him live a normal life-besides, if it wasn't effecting his health then why should they worry?


October 31st:

Lily was busy playing with her sons in their nursery. She spent most of the day up there, enjoying listening to her sons laugh and squeal. Just as James was making his way up the stairs to tell his wife that dinner was ready, the door to the little cottage flung off its hinges and before James had a chance to fire a spell at the intruder, he was shot square in the chest by a flash of green light-the killing curse. Lily, upon hearing the commotion, placed her boys in their crib and went to see what was happening. She stood at the top of the stairs looking down on her husband's lifeless body, his cold hand opened to reveal his wand. Tears began to leak from her eyes and as she looked up there was a loud cackle and yet another flash of green light. Lily's body dropped to the ground with an ear-splitting shriek. up in the boys' room, Harry had begun crying whilst Kovu just sat there. He didn't understand what had happened. The next thing they knew, a tall man that looked rather snake-like entered the bedroom. Still the boys knew nothing of what was happening to them and Harry continued crying while Kovu looked at the man, staring straight into his blood-red eyes. Unfortunately, Voldemort was unsatisfied with the results and yelled a name; Peter, before a short dumpy man walked in.

"Y-yes master?" The man, Peter, asked.

"Why won't it cry." Voldemort demanded whilst pointing a long, bony finger at Kovu.

"I'm not sure my lord." Peter answered. Kovu continued to stare straight at Voldemort until the windows of the small nursery exploded, sending shards of glass all over the room. After a few more minutes of trying to get Kovu to cry, Voldemort gave up.

"Avada Kedavra!" He shouted. What he didn't expect however, was the two babies' magic combining and creating a light blue barrier around them. It deflected the spell and redirected it at Voldemort, who crumbled into dust. Peter transformed into his animagi form and scurried away just before the aurors entered the house and found the bodies and two infants, one still crying and the other passed out on the mattress from over use of magic at such a young age. Just as an auror was about to pick Kovu up, a purple light engulfed him and he disappeared. To say the aurors were shocked was an understatement. They decided to search all night and all day until they found the lost boy who lived. They took Harry and gave him to Dumbledore before beginning their search. Little did they know that little Kovu ended up in the best possible place for him; a place where he had the one person that he was destined to be with, chosen by lady magic herself- Malfoy manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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