Rule + Intro

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Hello, and welcome to my adopt book. Here you can adopt any type of creature... except the ones you can't. Anyway, onto the rules... everyone hates them, yes. But we need them.

<<Only take 1-2 adopts per batch! Most of mine will be 3-6, maybe more, maybe less!

<<If someone takes the adopt you wanted, be nice! Don't go hating or I won't let you adopt anymore.

<<Ask kindly and if you got there late, just be calm and comment something like 'Aw, man! These went too fast for me!' not this, 'GUYS HOW DARE YOU?!? YOU GOT ALL THE ADOPTS BEFORE ME?' (that was a little exaggerated)

<<Most of the adopts will be OTA, DTA, BTA, or FCFS. If you can't draw or fill the offer, you can't have it. (oof I sound harsh xD)

<<I might do some Co-owns with people, so if the co-own is open, comment and you can get it!

<<Have fun!

Here are the symbols to tell what chapter is what:

Open: 🔵

Closed: ⚫

Not for Adoption (reveals): 🔴

Note: ☑️

Depending on what type of adopts they are, I will have different acronyms for them.

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