Superhero Bedtime Stories - Superheroes vs Villains Pool Battle Edition

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Superheroes vs Villains Pool Battle Edition - A Community Story

Once upon a time there was the greatest pool battle ever. The superheroes and villains took sides on either end of the large olympic sized pool. Superheroes Pontus and Amelia had control over water so they thought they had the advantage. Little did they know the villain Switch had tricks up his sleeve. Pontus and Amelia sent massive waves at Weather Girl and Switch. Weather Girl used her power of chaos winds to break apart the waves and send them to the edges of the pool. Switch switched their powers with the superhero Buttons and to their surprise both Pontus and Amelia summoned cats instead of waves. The cats were not pleased at all to be summoned into a pool of water. Pontus and Amelia had to dodge the crazed attempts of the cats to get out of the pool so they wouldn't get scratched.

While they were distracted, Weather Girl created a massive tsunami and sent Amelia and Pontus flying into the air. But the superhero Turtle Man came to their rescue. Using his power of invisibility he had been hidden the entire time and caught Pontus and Amelia out of the air with his rock solid beast arms. Turtleman used his shell to shield them from the raging waters.

Also unknown to everyone was that the superhero Lady Shadow was actually one of the cats that had been summoned. She used her telepathy to read Switch's mind to figure out what had happened. She told Amelia and Pontus about the Switheroo action and to be careful about it happening again.

Amelia and Pontus regained their powers and summoned the biggest, most grandest wave they possibly could. It had so much water in it that it left the rest of pool dry. Switch and Weather Girl huddled in the corner and cowered as the huge wave was about to hit them. Suddenly the wave stopped. Everyone was confused until they saw Loudan coming in on his moped to the rescue. He had his hand outstretched and was pushing the water back with this telekinesis. He pushed the wave back at the superheroes but Amelia used her ice powers to freeze the wave and keep it from moving towards them.

Meanwhile in dramatic fashion Loudan came flying in on his moped and cut quickly and jumped from the moped into the pool.

"What'd I miss guys?" He asked."Just the best pool party every!!" the villains said.

The superheroes and villains all charged up their powers and prepared to unleash massive devastation when all of a sudden they paused with confusion. A shark had suddenly appeared in the middle of the pool. But it was no ordinary shark, but a pirate shark.

They wondered, where did the shark come from? How'd it get in the middle of the pool? And why on earth was it a pirate? How can a shark even be a pirate? The pirate paid no heed and swam around in its merry way.

The superheroes and villains all watched in shock as the pirate shark swam into the air and off into the sunset while singing "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum".


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