Boastful bards and boat bologna

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The next week was gruelling. Hiking had never been PENG'S favourite pastime, he preferred farming or sailing... and to boot, it was a steep incline. Jenysse had taken one look at the nearby mountains and immediately discerned the location of her home city. They were pretty much at the border between the three kingdoms, but they turned their backs on the thick wood to go to Anvaran, the dwarven city by the lake, and back towards their home. They made good use of PENG'S pocket potatoes (TM), as most of them weren't able to hunt, and Jenysse, who claimed she had good aim with a crossbow, had no means to do so. The first night Ambrosia conjured up a campfire, so nobody had to go cold, but the second and third were blown by icy northern winds, so the spark she produced either fizzled out immediately, or, even with a fire going, it was too cold, which was compensated for by an awkward huddle against some trees or a nearby rock. Luckily the weather cleared again so the companions could continue unhindered.

For some reason Tael seemed more tired every day, the group even took turns carrying him, all except PENG, due to lack of body height. On the fourth night, Ambrosia realized why he had been so tired. She had gotten up to drink some water, but while she was digging through their shared bag she caught sight of a slender shadow, staring upwards. At first she was startled, but she put two and two together when she realized it was Tael. every night he stayed up, staring into the star filled sky like it was the most gorgeous thing in the world. She had noticed before how he didn't understand certain things, or only had outdated information about things. She got up off the ground and sat next to him.
"Tael, shouldn't you sleep?"
The young drow elf stared into the sky as he answered.
"One of our brothers used to say, the place where I come from had 'pitch black nights and darker days'... he lied to me. Daylight is really bright and it stings me, nighttime is so beautiful. I want to see everything, just to see if he lied about other things too."

The wizard gave him a pained look. He didn't understand, simple as that, and didn't mean any harm, she had to remind herself.
"Well, we're heading for a city now. Have you ever been to one?"
He shook his head.
"No, I've never been up here at all. The priestess said that my mother left me behind to die, but they took me in."
She didn't know what to say. This story was most likely true, considering the nature of drow kind, he was likely just an unwanted child left to die. She patted him on the shoulder.
"Go to sleep Tael. If we have to fight you'll want to have your strength together."
Ambrosia sighed and got up, walking back to her nest of moss and dry leaves, leaving the youngen to his thoughts.

To the great surprise of everyone, Tael started to sleep after this conversation, and so, they managed the rest of the journey without any more issue. Finally the trees started to thin out and turn into sparse, tough mountain grass and dry bushes. Jenysse pointed out a small path between two walls of stone.
"Them's guarded, but yer with me, so they'll let us through."
Indeed, as soon as they approached the formation, two gruff looking dwarves popped out and came running towards Jenysse. A few gruff hugs and words were exchanged and they were granted entry into Anvaran, surrounded by the dwarven equivalent to friendly chatter.

The first thing notable about Anvaran was the smell. Coal, smoke and iron wafted through the air, making Ambrosia pinch her nose. They were introduced to a whole slew of dwarves who were all some cousin or brother of aunt to Jenysse. PENG, who had been of the belief that he had the most ridiculously extended family in all the world, was pushed back into his place when they finally came to a full stop in the bar area of an inn they had been given rooms in. Tael looked confused at everything that had just come to pass, Ambrosia only half noted Jenysse offering him a sip of beer, which he took, to his own immediate regret. She smiled as he grimaced at a laughing Jenysse. The strum of a guitar pulled her attention next, she turned towards the sound and caught sight of a tiefling. He was grasping a guitar and stood on top of a table, stepping between dishes and mugs as he half danced, half tried not to trip while strumming and singing. She wandered towards him, and though she wasn't the tallest, in the sea of dwarves she definitely stood out, and she was glad for it too. That bard was a handsome devil, pun intended, ebony skin under a thick mane of blood red hair, horns curled back gracefully. He was shirtless and Ambrosia suspected he had applied some sort of shimmer to his skin, because wherever the light hit it looked like molten bronze. Needless to say, she was fawning.

the fantastic adventures of PENG and friends حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن