"Happy Valentine's Day!"

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Keefe's P.O.V.

     I laid on my bed, moping. Sophie burst through the door with an ecstatic grin on her face. My day just got a whole lot better. 

"Guess what!?" She yelled, plopping onto the bed next to me.

"What's made the Mysterious Miss F. so excited?" Grinning, I sat upwards and turned to face her.

"Today is the human's Valentine's Day!" After I gave her a confused look, she explained. "Oh. Valentine's Day is where the humans celebrate love and relationships! There's also a lot of chocolate." She grinned and I raised a teasing eyebrow.

"Aww you've come to celebrate Team Foster-Keefe's anniversary with me!" A redness creeped up her cheeks and she shot me a glare.

"Um. No. But I did bring you some chocolate. I'm giving them out to all of our friends. Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays." Suddenly Ro decided to make herself known. I thought she had been out somewhere fighting who knows what.

"AW how CUTE! Blondie brought her boyfriend sweets!" I startled and Sophie threw a pillow at her.

"He is not my boyfriend. Shut up."

"You sure about that Foster?" I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. The blush on her cheeks deepened.

"Be quiet Keefe."

"Don't think that's possible babe." Now I was the one getting hit with a pillow. "Aye!" I laughed and took it out of her hands. "Don't be messing up my bed!"

"Don't keep making weird comments." She countered.

"Weird comments? What's wrong with calling my girlfriend babe?" She groaned and tackled me, laughing.

"Cut it out!" I laughed along with her and scrunched up my eyebrows.

"Neverrrrr!" I flipped her over and pinned her to the bed. "Ha!"

"Ohhh I see how it is." Ro smirked from the corner of the room. Darn. I had forgotten she was there again. "Yep! Still here! Someone get the milk it's about to get spiiiiicy up in here."

"What the-" A new voice sounded from the doorway. Double Darn. Guess who just decided to show up?

"Fitz!" Nervousness was coming off of Sophie in waves. I let go of her as she scrambled to get up. I honestly don't know what she saw in him. Sure I guess she thought he was cute and all, but so am I! I mentally pouted but my grin never wavered as I jumped up.

"Hey Fitzy! Wassup my dude?" The glare he shot me could wither flowers.

"What's been happening here?" He gave a pointed stare at Sophie and she cowered, tugging on her eyelashes. Ugh. I wish she would stop doing that. She was going to mess up her beautiful eyes... not that I thought they were beautiful or anything.

"Oh you know. Your girlfriend shows up and starts threatening me with chocolate which ended in an epic wrestling match."

"You sure 'bout that Hunkyhair?" Ro smirked, her pointed teeth glistening. I nodded my head in a very dramatic way.

"Yes. Very much so." I knew Fitz would take his anger out on Sophie if he thought anything had happened. I wish Ro would shut up.

"Y-yeah nothing happened, Fitz." Sophie weakly smiled. Fitz shot her a wary glance before turning his attention back towards me.

"Because you wouldn't do something like that. Would you Keefe?" I could feel anger boiling up inside of me. He knew how I felt yet he continued to do this crap to me. In front of me. But I just smiled.

"I dunnoooo Fitzroy. Maybe." I winked and he grimaced. Why did Sophie like this guy again? Weren't boyfriends supposed to be trusting and understanding of their girlfriends? I mean, awesome hair was a bonus too.

Sophie's eyes moved from Fitz to me to my box of chocolates.

"Oh! That reminds me! Here Fitz, happy Valentine's Day."

"It's a human thing." I added as Sophie fished another box out of her bag. Wait. "Did Foster give me my box before the Fitzter? Score one for Team Foster-Keefe." Sophie glared at me, and Fitz raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Oh ho ho!" Ro exclaimed from the corner. "Someone get the popcorn, 'cause the drama's going down."

"What's he talking about Sophie?" He asked, eyeing the box in my hand. Crap, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

"I, uh, came to talk to him about something important, and just gave it to him while I was here. I was going to give you yours next though." Fitz didn't look all to happy as she handed him a box. I hide a smile, realizing mine had my name on it while his was blank. I just hoped he wouldn't notice. For Sophie's sake more than mine. Though luck didn't want to be on my side today because before I knew it, Fitz had spoken up again.

"Hold on, what's on Keefe's box?" A sudden wave of fear coming from Sophie hit me and I tried to think of something to say, or do, to save her from the angry volcano that was surely about to erupt.

"Oh you mean my name? Yes. Apparently I'm more special than you Fitzy boy. Oh but don't worry. She was here to ask me about how she should decorate yours so don't get your boxers in a bunch." Sophie shot me a quick, thankful glance as she nodded.

"Y-yeah sorry Fitz I just didn't know how you would want it, so I came to another guy for help." He seemed a little wary but I was sure we convinced him. Finally, he face softened and he leaned in, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Hey! That was my move! I heard Ro scoff silently and I glared at her, hoping she would actually stay out of it this time.

"Anything you gave me would've been perfect." He said, tilting her chin up with his thumb. I took a breath and looked away, staring blankly at a wall. I wish they would go have their "moments" somewhere else. I could feel Sophie's fluttery stomach and it made me wanna throw up, but I stayed quiet. If this is what she wanted, it was her choice to make. I had no right to interrupt. But apparently Ro thought she did.

"Shield your eyes! They're gonna kiss! Bleh!" A pillow flew in her direction and I smiled.

"Foster what did I say about my bed?" Then Sophie shot me a glare, even though there were other emotions hidden behind it. I could tell she was embarrassed, and... whoah, wait. Why was she feeling guilty. There was no way she knew how I felt. No-one had told her how to understand when an empath is lying. Right? If my dad had, I was going to murder him. Or get Ro to. Either would bring me enough satisfaction. 

 "We're leaving." Fitz suddenly said. The rest of our heads whipped to face him. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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