Chapter 8

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He sees the group in the outside waters and quickly pulls a remote out of his pocket, frantically pressing a button. Kyma grabs her friends' hands and pulls, diving beneath the water. As she slides beneath the surface, Kyma slaps her tail against the water as if to say "farewell, and good riddance." Down below the surface, the girl is waiting for them. She waves her hand in a way that pulls water toward her, saying "follow me." Kyma pulls her friends along, their tails lagging for a while in speed, even more so than Kyma's body, which is only moving due to adrenaline. Soon the girls get used to the rhythm and increase their speed, catching up to their rescuer. Kyma releases their arms, no longer having to pull them along. Darting forward, Kyma taps their rescuer on the shoulder. The girl twists around to look at Kyma, still swimming at the same steady pace. Kyma points up to the surface and she nods, shifting so that her body is now swimming upwards. Kyma follows her up and pops her head out of the water to see the girl looking at her curiously.

Kyma asks her a question, one that had been at the front of her mind for most of their swim. "Where are we going?"

The girl looks at Kyma, her brown now furrowed in confusion. "Back to the Kingdom, of course."

"What kingdom?"

"The Western merrow Kingdom! We wouldn't be going all the way across the sea to the eastern one. Of course, I initially thought that you were from the Eastern Kingdom due to your skin, but the Eastern Kingdom doesn't have the pendants, they have red caps." The girl finally notices Kyma's growing confusion. "Why are you acting like you don't remember anything? You're merrow royalty."

Kyma's eyes widen. "What?!"

"Your eyes, they are blue. Only the royals have blue eyes. And your pendant has so much of the larimar stone, only royals are able to afford that much of it for the pendants. Did you not know that royals are blue eyed?"

Kyma shakes her head wildly. "I have no idea what you are talking about! I don't even know what a merrow is. Please explain it to me! Also, what is your name?"

The girl looks even more confused, but answers Kyma's questions. "My name is Alai. A merrow is like the mermaid you hear about in stories, only we are real. Merrow royals have blue eyes, the rest of us have green. Larimar stone is very important to us as it is what lets us shift back and forth between forms and control our magic. We all have a small pendant, but the royals can afford to have much more of the stone in their pendants. You are clearly a merrow royal, now tell me why you are so confused. This can't be new information to you."

"I'm human, like my friends. We are all orphans. The guy you rescued us from kidnapped us and made us like this. My larimar pendant is all I have from my birth mother, who I've never met."

Alai's expression is full of sympathy. "I'm sorry. We should probably go now, since we won't be safe until we reach the Kingdom."

With that, she dives beneath the waves, leaving the girls to follow her. The water is cool and clear, glinting a bright blue beneath the sunlight. After a while, a pod of dolphins approach the swimming group, and Kyma sends them a thought of swimming with them. They happily oblige, chirping back and forth to each other. Kyma swims up to them, twisting around and amongst their sleek bodies. Alai, Nami, and Fala join in after a minute, hesitant but soon racing the dolphins. The only time the dolphins lost the race was with Alai, who only raced ahead of them by a body length. All too soon, the dolphins split off from the group of girls to head off to the side. Alai leaped out of the water for a moment to look ahead, and she pointed forward before zipping off in excitement. She quickly realized that they other girls weren't as fast as she was and slows down again, still clearly buzzing with excitement. It doesn't take much more than ten minutes after that before the group can easily see an island above the water.

Do you guys think Kyma is actually a merrow? Remember, she got her tail from an experiment. If she is a merrow, how could she possibly be a royal? Tell me your thoughts!
Now, here is your next picture of Kyma!

 If she is a merrow, how could she possibly be a royal? Tell me your thoughts!Now, here is your next picture of Kyma!

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And speaking of the pictures, I completely forgot to mention who made them(the drawings). I wish it was me, but no. I can't draw people to save my life. So thank you Lorraine! You're awesome, and I love them. I would definitely dedicate these chapters to you, but . . . You don't have Wattpad, so I can't. Not officially anyways.

Happy reading!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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