2. On the Other Side of the Mirror

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You really gotta think,

About life, in particular.

How do we live?

We live in bodies, performing the daily functions of life

While our souls go even farther 

In our minds, we want to be many things

The popular girl, surrounded by friends

The athlete, top of it all

The person in the corner, top-notch grades, and a waiting scholarship

But truly, is everything the way it seems to be?

The popular girl may live with divorced parents

The athlete might actually be a loner 

The person in the corner might be desperate for help, but no one knows

Be happy for who you are

But still let the soul, the mind wander



And know you're not alone in the world

Authors Note: I am truly sorry if this hurts anyone. These short pieces of poetry are meant to be inspiring, not hurtful. I will be doing more poetry like this, so if you're uncomfortable, you don't have to read this. Thank you for wanting to though.

Always the DragonGirl,


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