go, Gina [part 1]

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I belong to nobody
Hope it don't bother you
You can mind your business

-Go Gina, SZA

a/n: yeah, i don't know shit about Chicago or San Fran so please don't take any of these descriptions seriously. Chicago and San Fran are described based on the show and my limited experience, respectively. let's also pretend that Tami and Lip aren't together, but they still have Fred so this is placed around like Season 10.


The ashen trees and dried grass complemented the Chicago buildings stacked on top and beside each other. The streets weren't bustling like back home in San Francisco, but there were indications of life despite it being midnight here in the South Side. Street lights and neon signs shine through the city's bleak atmosphere, it added some nostalgic feeling to the whole place, even though this was Gina's first time here.

It was more rural in the South Side. It looked like those movies she used to watch when she was growing, like Boyz In The Hood or Menace II Society. San Fran had its own little charm to it when it came to older buildings, but Chicago was nothing like California. The air looked a little gloomier, there were more who looked like Gina, either all of the homeless were only homeless by law or hiding out in their own places, and there's a liquor store on every other block.

It's exactly how her father described it; it seems nothing's changed since he's left, too. The only reason why she decided to travel all the way out from California was that her father's cousin died and he wanted his only daughter to come to visit 'the family and them' before she headed off to study abroad in London. Why she was going to meet some family she never wanted to meet nor even knew much about was beyond her. One part said it was for her dad, she hadn't seen him in five years so might as well go out and see him while she could. The other part didn't know what the fuck she was doing out in hard-ass Chicago being a soft-ass Cali girl. She was bound to either get her ass kicked (she could still throw hands) or end up in some fucked up situation that had nothing to do with her. Regardless, she wasn't prepared for any of the bullshit.

Thankfully, her dad was not having her stay with him and his wife and other kids, but instead she was staying with her dad's childhood friend, Veronica. At least, just for a night before Gina got her next payment from her sugar daddy and could afford a nice little hotel room and some new clothes for a week or so. (Fucking airport losing her damn luggage; she'll be damned if she ever flew with Spirit again.)

As the Uber pulled up to her destination, she saw some lights coming out of the neighboring house. That party looked damn fun, maybe whoever lived there would invite her to party a while.

"Have a good night, mamas," the driver said snidely, chuckling as Gina gave him a disgusted look and jumped out with the quickness before that nasty fuck tried to hit on her again.

Unfortunately, she couldn't walk away fast enough as the man decided to wolf-whistle, obviously noticing Gina's endowed backside and being a fucking creep about it. "Damn, ma! You got ass, lemme get some of that!"

Gina kept walking up to the red house trying to ignore the man. Suddenly, a car door swung open and footsteps sounded behind her. She froze in place not knowing what to do. The man said again, "Whatever you got behind, that's where the sun shines. You looking kinda good in them jeans."

The girl turned and deadpanned at him. "Sir, I'm 16. I suggest you get away from me before I call my auntie out here."

As he crept closer, he asked, "Sure don't look like it. Well, what ya' auntie gon' do, anyways. Hmm?"

Gina backed away slowly with her fists up. "Get the fuck away from me, old man 'fore I bust you in your balls!"

"Don't be a tease, baby girl–"

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