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My virgin


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Age: 14 just turned 15 three day ago

Name: Paxton Peace Soldier

Nicknames: Pax by most, soldier only by her 3 older brothers, Sweetheart/My life by her mother, Stepfather little Devil/ life ruiner/ Disappointed, biological father Sweetheart/My life/God little gift, Step Sister, big sis

Mother: Hope Solo  soldier
Father: Mike will  soldier
Brother: Zack sing  soldier
Brother: Willy honey soldier
Brother: Mike Jr.  soldier
Aunt: June Amy soldier
Uncle: Leo May  soldier
Cousin: May June  soldier
niece:  Jupiter James rights
Step sister: Hazel Hope Rich
Step father: Xavier Space Rich

Past: Paxton Always been closer to her father then anybody else but one day while her father was driving, to pick her up from her friends house in a rain storm he wined up crashing killing him on the spot. Eventually her mother started dating again meeting her step father. Paxton hate him to the very end of time. He's a drill Sargent and try to control her life and treat her like she a animal their to follow every rule given. Pax thinks it's her fault her father as died and still hasn't forgiven her self sense then.

Crush: Dustin Henderson

Friends: Dustin group

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