Chapter 1

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The Fateful Meeting ∆

Its January 18th 2022
I was walking home today, even though I usually get picked up.
It was a bit windy out as I walked home. Mom said there were visitors so she couldn't pick me up from school, but I guess it was fine. I was about 10 minutes away when my phone started to ring. I picked up the call and continued to walk.

"Hey Blake."
"What's up Hunter?"

Hunter Cord, he's a pretty good friend of mine. Everyone knows him too. He's been here ever since 4th grade, his dad is a retired veteran.

"Who's the chick on your 360?"
"You mean my Xbox?"
"Yeah she's got the mic on and everything, but the thing is she's crazy good! She's even better than you are!"
"No way."
"Way serious man, are you even home?"
"No! My mom said we have visitors so she didn't pick me up. I didn't expect her to offer my Xbox!"
"Well you gotta find out, because she's about beaten your high score."

No way. Someone beating my high score? I hung up the call and started to run. My mom let a girl play in my room! What?! With the running I make it home about 4 minutes earlier. I see and grey Nissan Pathfinder in the driveway, and its definitely not ours. I rush in and drop all my things on the ground, I start to run upstairs when my mom calls.

"Blake? Is that you?"
"Yeah mom!"
"Come down here and greet the guests."
Nooo, not now.
"Okay, coming"

I slump down the stairs and I realize my shoes were still on. I slip them off and put them away, then I walk to the kitchen. I see my mom and another woman, probably a little taller than my mom. She had mid-length black hair, dark hazel eyes, lightly tanned skin and light freckles.

"This is Valerie Summit, she's one of my close friends. Her and her daughter just moved here a couple of months ago, but we've known each other for a while."
She has a daughter? Is she the god gamer who's taking my name?
"Hi Blake, you're a sophomore right?
"Oh my daughter's a sophomore too. Maybe you guys know each other?"
I will soon enough.
"Oh that reminds me Blake, she's in your room"
"Ma! You let her in my room?!"
"What's the problem?"
"I- nothing ma. I'm going upstairs"

I make my way upstairs, carrying everything I dropped. I open the door to see a girl sitting on my bed with my second controller. She had black hair and lightly tanned skin like her mom. She had bluish golden eyes and black glasses that framed them perfectly. She was actually really beautiful in a way. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she had on grey sweatpants with a sweatshirt that looked pretty similar to one I had. The more I thought about it the more I thought that she looked familiar. Then it hit me. I do know her!


Viola Summit, she's a highschool sophomore and she moved here last July. I'm pretty okay friends with her, she's actually started to talk to me a lot recently. She's a funny person, and she's really pretty too. It's kind of embarrassing to admit it, but I found myself having a small crush on her. She looks different though, she usually has hazel eyes like her mom whenever I see her. I've also rarely seen her with her up, it always falls so perfectly around her shoulders.

"Hey Blake. Is this your room? Your mom told me I could come up, sorry if I'm intruding."
"Oh its fine."

At least it is now.

"So, what are you playing?"
"I'm just playing some Black Ops with some dude names AcCORDian06."
"Oh that's just Hunter."
"Really? He kinda sucks."

There was a muffled 'I heard that!' from my headset that she was wearing. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Hey, put it on amp."

She unplugged the headset and turned the volume up.

"Hey Hunter."
"Hey Viola! Didn't know you played."
"Yeah well you don't know a lot of things."

A few minutes later all 3 us were playing teams.

"Blake! You and Viola come down, its time for dinner!"
"Kay Ma!"
"What? That's what I call her. Don't judge me."
"I'm not, its cute."

She looks at me and laughs. I smile back and log off. We both head down and take a seat.

"Oh by the way, Viola, you're clothes are in the drying."
"Hm? Thanks for letting me know."
"Why're her clothes in the dryer. I thought she was wearing them?"
"Earlier, before you came, I was playing with your dog. But he ended up pushing me in your back garden so my clothes got a bit muddy."
"I offered her your clothes Blake. So remind me to give her clothes back so she can change out of yours."

She's... wearing my clothes? She's wearing my clothes. OH MY GOD SHE'S WEARING MY CLOTHES! God mom. I can feel myself heating up.

"Everything okay Blake?"
"I-I'm fine ma. I'll be excusing myself now."
"Make sure to wash you're plate!"
"I will ma."

Why is she so comfortable with this? Just because she's best friends with Viola's mom doesn't mean that I'm best friends with Viola!

"Hey Blake! Wait up, I'm almost finished."
"Okay I'm going out back."

I took out a hoodie and went out the back door. I alwaysed loved the view from the back garden. The moon always lights a path through, and the stars always paint a picture.

"You okay?"

I look behind me to see Viola. There's just something about how her surroundings always light up when I see her. She walks up next to where I am.

"You're pretty short."
"Shut up!"

We both laugh. For a moment we stand there, there's some type of weird connection that I feel around her. Like she's someone I met in my past life or something. Either way, this was a pretty fateful meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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