10 Years Ago...

33 2 9

The Death of Raven

"I was alive at first....before I had died"

I was a runaway after being abandoned by a woman who supposedly cared about me, but it turned out that it was never meant to be. At first I thought I was going to be a goner like dead, but as time went on and as i ran from place to place, I became sick and never thought that I would not make it. Unfortunately for me I was found in a river people around me said I had drowned but yet this was just the beginning....

A month had passed by and I was never claimed or buried or burned to ash, until one day a witch (I think it was a witch. .) came to see my body and she said something to the coroner, this I was claimed by her. After she claimed my body things happening odd things.. She had brought me back to life or so I thought.

I remember waking up after 2 days of my resurrection and all I could think is "revenge", the witch could see it in my eyes and whispered something. "You're my experiment on the world" she spoke. I was confused... "experiment?".

"Mhm....your now what I am , A necromancer and time traveler" she spoke

I looked at my hands and my palms had these odd symbols on them "what are these?" I asked her, "They are what you will you on the dead or bodies that are on the brink of death my darling" she replied. After awhile she took me into a place and began to teach me how to bring life back at first we just did rats , which I succeeded in as I watched her, then I copied her. But I failed on several counts.

"Stay here until you get it right,  when you get it right , come find me Raven" she said to me. So I did just that, I stayed trying to get it right. For 3 to 4 days I worked on getting right , my master at this point was watching me each time I tried it. I got frustrated with this one and I dont lose my cool either.
"Its ok sweetie, take a break" she said, I did just that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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