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When they reach Steve's home, they were talking about their future...
If they would have family... How will they name them... If they would married... If they would separate...
And more things...

Steve remembered that they has to buy somethings in the super market.
So, he goes to the super market to buy the things.

And Kono stayed in home. And she perceived that, Steve hasn't take the keys.

After 3 minutes, a person knockes the door, and Kono opened the door, because she though it was Steve. But it wasn't Steve, It was Ian Noshimuri, Adam's cousin.

Ian hits her in the head and put her in the boot of the car.
And then, he sit her in one chair. And he tied Kono's hands behind the chair.

Steve went home, and when he saws the door opened and blood on the floor he conclused that someone kidnapped Kono...

He told Chin that someone kidnapped Kono, so, they started the investigation.

Steve was devastated... Only thinking Kono can be dead or in the border, devaste him...

With some fingerprint they knew that  Ian Noshimuri, cousin of Adam, kidnapped Kono.

They arrested Ian and asked him where was Kono, but he didn't answer.

Then Chin discovered that they have a cabin in the forest Kumaloa. So,they went there with SWAT's help.

When they reach there, they get inside the cabin by a broken corner of   the cabin.

They saw Kono tied on the chair and when they didn't saw no one on the cabin, Steve run to Kono, take off the cords of her hands.

Then, he saw that she has a lot of scratchs in both of her wrists, on her legs and a big scratch on the head.
So, he decided to calles the ambulance.

When they reach to the hospital, again, Kono hasn't any heartbeat.

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