Transcending Love and Death

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                              After spending that time together, things were rather interesting as the Radio Host continued on with his fame and popularity while Lou worked at the bar under Mimzy. Each night, they would spend time together drinking or singing, many saw the two together and would swoon for either the older charming gentleman or the young innocent lad. No one foresaw them together as one, it just wasn't thought of in that time. Mimzy, however, was starting to see how Lou would look at Alastor and vice versa, she started to keep Lou longer in his shifts while trying to spend time with Alastor when he showed up to meet the other. 

"Alastor, sugar, tell me something. How come you're only here to see Lou? You and the boy up to something?" Now Madame Mimzy didn't do it often but she herself was a murderer she just hadn't done it in a while, she knew nothing of Al's hobbies just as he didn't know of hers.  For such a short woman who was successful as she was to think she had devious tendencies as the other Dapper fellow, upon the approach of his acquaintance, a sort of bothered look formed in Alastor's eyes. He noticed Mimzy had been keeping Lou longer, and that resulted in the two having less time together. It was quite bothersome, but saying anything against it would no doubt raise more questions from the short lady. She was already suspicious, too much so in the eyes of the radio host. 

"Just a night on the town, my dear Mimzy! Lou is quite the fun fellow to be around when it comes to having a few drinks!" He forced a bright smile upon his lips while his eyes shifted away from Mimzy and around the bar in search of his lover.  As Mimzy was having idle chat with Alastor, Lou was busy cleaning tables and one of the guests was drunk off his rocker that he stood up to knock into Lou making him drop the bucket of dishes. The glass flew everywhere as a few shards sliced his cheek and arm while on his knees, the man grumbled to shout. 

"Watch where you're going, you damn klutz!" Lou took out his rag to hold it to his face while looking back at the other annoyed and when the man saw that he grabbed Lou by the shirt to haul him up while continuing to threaten and shout. A few of his buddies stood up as well and seeing as they were on the other side of the bar, they hauled Lou out the side door into the alley. With the performance on stage, it was rather hard to hear the commotion but even Mimzy heard the glass break. The men tossed Lou to the ground as they were all in a drunken state, a bar fight wasn't uncommon but four against one, even Lou didn't stand a chance as they started for him. He put up a good front, dodging and swinging his own fists as he had been trained in combat. It wouldn't be long before the authorities showed up though.  The broken glass caught Alastor's ears as well and he felt himself tense up, a sense of worry falling over him. 

"What in the world was that?" He questioned, glancing at Mimzy before looking around the club. He caught sight of one man in the distance slipping out of the side door of the bar. It could have been a simple customer leaving, but there was something in Alastor that told him otherwise. 

"Contact the police darling." Not waiting for Mimzy to respond to his request, the radio host made his way across the bar. On the way there, he caught sight of the broken glass on the floor and a bloody rag as well. Yes, it seemed one of Mimzy's workers had gotten themselves into trouble. He only hoped it wasn't Lou and someone else instead. Continuing his walk to the side door, he gripped his cane tightly in his grasp.  Whether it was Mimzy or not, the police were on their way as Lou had knocked two of the idiots out and was on the floor in the dirt wrestling with another. The forth drew a pocket knife and was coming for the two however the authorities blew their whistles making the men freeze they then ran for their lives as they were chased down, Lou was left on the ground panting heavily as he was somewhat worse for wear. He looked up then to see Alastor had come out of the bar to see them, he gave him a weak smile but before he could speak, one of the officers practically jumped on him to pin him down trying to cuff him.

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