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The year is 1805 in Connaught Province in Ireland. In the bustling region of Galway, the Royal Family originating from Cheshire, England is prospering. Marquess and Marchioness Styles, along with their two children, Lord and Lady Styles, are busy with their lives of gold, riches and divinity. Living in a grand castle only mere miles outside of a crowded town, life is seemingly perfect for those of the higher class.

Niamh, a young eighteen year old Irish girl and nurse in training, finds herself in a situation with the cook of the Styles castle. Her life is flipped upside down in mere moments, and soon enough, she finds herself living in the stone quarters in the basement of the castle with the rest of the Styles servants.

What happens when Niamh and Lord Harry cross paths within the castle walls?



NIAMH DOYLE portrayed by FLORENCE PUGH(Name pronunciation: NEEV, NEAVE)

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(Name pronunciation: NEEV, NEAVE)

NIAMH DOYLE portrayed by FLORENCE PUGH(Name pronunciation: NEEV, NEAVE)

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone! Thank you for deciding to read this new story I am attempting to create. I do not know much of Royal life back during this time period, but I believe I know enough. Things might be off the actual historical path, but I will try and keep it as accurate as I can manage! However, things will be twisted to fit what I want for the story.

     I received inspiration from the Harry Styles book, 1789 by Everlasts, but I am not copying the work! Her story simply struck inspiration, and it is an absolutely amazing tale that I suggest you read! Also, Ardent by highonlou also inspired me to write this piece of work! Anyways, I hope you enjoy my upcoming book and please forgive any historical inaccuracies.

Thanks! Treat People With Kindness!

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