You / The Way It Is

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Here are some songs I wrote back in November. Hope you enjoy 😁

"Everyday I feel alone

As if I was a bird left to learn

How to fly on its own

I tried several times

But I need someone on my side

If someone knew what I was going through

Would they care for me? ( care for me )

If I fell into a deep hole

Would they help me get up?

If I accidentally tripped to the floor with blood and bruises

Would they laugh at me? ( laugh at me)

Now, would you baby

Tell me the truth

Now don't lie to me

Would you die for me?

After all that I've done for you

Always there for in your darkest times

When you needed to talk, I was there day and night

Instead of helping me get back up you left, ran away and never came back

Of course you wouldn't give your life to save mine"

- You, 2019©

" Silence fills the room

Between you and me

Sirens are warning me how awkward this is

And at that very moment I try to say something but it comes out as a delicate whisper

Just note that I'm not trying to make this weird or anything

I swear, I have no idea what's going on

I've never felt this way in my entire life

I look at you

You look at me

We make eye contact

Theres nothing done, nothing said

That's just the way it is

How I wonder what is this feeling I feel

The feeling I feel around you"

The Way it is, 2019 ©


The Meaning behind You

Well its basically about being in a relationship where you help your partner out but they've never done nothing for you. Then you start rethinking your past decisions about the relationship and wonder if all that was even worth it. Wondering if your partner would choose saving your life over his/ her life over theirs.

The Meaning behind The Way it is

Its obvious. Its when you start feeling feelings towards someone but you don't know how to describe it. You're nervous....

Songwriters Note

Hope you enjoyed? Sorry if these songs were sorta cringy. I tend to cringe at most of the songs I write. If you read RDAJ then you'd remember these songs. These two songs were the last songs I wrote before I took a songwriting break.

Well I'm back now! Writing new songs that I'll post later. I'm really sorry if my songs aren't good but at least I tried, right?


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