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The next morning Asia went to the gym and met Sean.

"Hey", she said.

"Hey", he said. "You ready?"

"No but yes", she said with a smile. "Don't work me too hard"

"No promises", he said.

Asia pouted and started to chuckle. "Oh boy"

Sean chuckles. "You'll do fine", she said. "So what's your goals?", he asks.

"Well I just wanna be healthy", she said. "My husband and I trying go a baby so weight lost isn't my main concern at the moment"

Sean nods. "I can do that", he said.

"Cool", Asia said.


After an hour later. Asia finished her workout.

"Oooh" she said. "That was...intense". Asia began to drink her water.

Sean looked her up and down.

"Imma get going", she said.

"I'll walk you to your car", he said.

"Josh actually dropped me off", Asia said. "I think he's outside"

"Oh okay. I gotta walk out there anyway. I'm about to head out for lunch", he said.

"Oh okay", Asia said.

They both walked out and Sean held the door open for her.

Josh was parked in the front waiting for her while he looked at his phone he looked up at saw Sean opening the door her. They he saw them smiling and saying something to each other before the walk away.He began to remember what Mikey said.


"I know Asia. She too vulnerable. Everytime somebody say some sweet shit to her she fall too fast"


Asia gets the car. "Hey baby", she said.

Josh just looks at her.

"What?", she asked.

"What was all the hehe haha shit?", he asked.

"What? No", she said.

"He was smiling too hard", Josh said.

Asia shrugs her shoulders.

"Why you talking to him", he asked. "You know that nigga attracted to you"

"He was my trainer this morning", she said.

"Trainer?", he asked.

"Josh it's not that big of a deal. Let's go", she said.

"You ain't training with him no more , iight", he said.

Asia looks out the window.

"Okay!?", he yelled.

"iight josh", she said.

Josh puts the car in reverse and pulls up to Sean before he gets in the car and rolls down the window.

"Josh what are you doing?", Asia asked.

"Ay bruh", Josh said.

Sean looks at Josh.

"Do me a favor and stop fucking with my wife", he said. "I ain't dumb bitch"

"Josh???", Asia said embarrassed.

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