Chapter 1

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     Coming to this school was probably one of the most nerve wrecking things I've ever done in my life. Approaching the school's doors, with a sickening feeling deep in my stomach and Joy's arm happily wrapped around mine as she hurries to skip towards that door that's causing me to feel so nauseated. I take a deep breath, calming myself down with the thought its highly unlikely I'll bump into him at such a big school.

"Are you okay?" YangYang asks, walking next to me and gently touching my arm. I smile and nod, glad I had decided to come to Korea the summer before school starts. I'd only made 3 friends, while Kenta had followed me here. Joy I had met at the small café I applied to work for, since she had turned into my co-worker when I successfully got the job. Then Joy introduced me to YangYang, who had recently become one of my closest friends over the span of a few months. The 3rd one I also met at that small café; however, he was a customer who had taken an unusual amount of interest in me, Jung Jaehyun. I wasn't too close with Jaehyun, but I had his number and we talked briefly a few times over the phone. YangYang, Joy, and Kenta had all insisted on going to school together, which was fine with me since I didn't want to go alone anyway.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Kenta asks, his face filled with nothing but worry and sympathy. I hadn't told the other two about the boy who I'd only recently got over him and am now being forced to go to the same college as him by my parents that are obsessed with me being nothing less of perfect. So only Kenta knew the worries going through my head at this exact moment in time.

"I'll be okay. Its not that big of a deal" I smile, and a genuine smile at that because it indeed was not a big a deal. YangYang smiles and ruffles my neatly brushed hair, making it not so neat.

"Good girl. Don't be nervous, even though the schools big...most of the people are probably dumb" he jokes, whispering the last part. I giggle at that before rolling my eyes, my confidence gaining that I'll be perfectly fine.


     Mine, Joy's and Kenta's lockers had been conveniently placed next to each other, but YangYang's was on a completely different hall. I frown and stick my arms out, wanting him to grab my hand. He laughs and takes my hands before squeezing them with a gentle shake.

"I'll be back with you after I put some of the books I had to buy in my locker, I won't take long I promise" he says as he gently lets go of my hands, disappearing around the corner of the hall. I pout, before turning to my locker and putting in the combination I had memorized the night before.

"Why was YangYang's the only once placed far away while ours were all together" I huff, bringing my books out of my backpack and placing them neatly in my new locker.

"Hey, you have two out of the three of us. Just be glad we weren't all placed far away from each other" Joy laughs.

"Yeah. You have me" Kenta says proudly.

"YangYang's still my favorite" I huff. Kenta gasps, putting a hand to his chest dramatically.

"I've been with you since we were FIVE!" He gasps, acting offended.

"That's precisely why I'm sick of you" I smile, continuing to put my books in neatly. I didn't expect to hear my name, but sure enough I hear someone call my name out from behind me. I look, and there stood the pretty Jaehyun I had met in that small coffee shop. I smile and wave him over, but that smile quickly disappears as I see who's standing next to him...looking down at his phone with a bored expression. Nakamoto Yuta. My childhood friend...and first love.


.❃.✮:▹Yuta's POV◃:✮.❃

      "Bro are you even listening to me?" Jaehyun hisses. We were walking down the hall, our 4th year in this musical arts school. Jaehyun was blabbering on as usual about something I couldn't carless about right now. Because just a few seconds ago, a text from my younger brother came.

"Have you seen Yua there yet? It's only been a few months and I already miss her... send me a picture when you see her!"

See Yua? At my school? Why....would she be here?

"Yuta! Are you listening?!" Jaehyun says, his voice a little louder than usual. I snap out of it, shaking my head slightly but not bothering to look up at him.

"When do I ever listen to you?" I scoff, starting to text back.

"Whatever. What's wrong with you? What are you staring at so intensel—Oh!" he cuts himself off, pausing for a second.

"Don't you have enough pictures with her? Stare at those"

"Hey! Yua!!" Jaehyun calls out. Typing my response to my clingy little brother, I don't process he's said her name until after I hit send on the text. By the time I process it and look up...Jaehyun is already right next to her. I stand there staring at her for a second, taking in her little changes over the past 3 years. Her hair had only gotten longer, now about 3 inches below her chest. Her face had gotten even slimmer than it was before. Her eyes were still big and filled with nothing but stars, her nose was just as cute and small as it was back then. Her bangs laid lightly on her forehead, the way they had since she was little. Her small lips looked extra pink and sparkly today, probably from her wearing some type of lip gloss that only made her lips look even softer than they usually did back then. Her soft features seemed to only have gotten softer, but she still looks cute. Probably more cute than she did before...which for some reason bothered me. My eyes trail down to her body, unwillingly. She wore a white shirt with a small cat on the front that was tied in a knot at the bottom, along with a light blue skirt that stopped at her mid-thigh and plain blue sneakers. Her style had definitely changed to compliment her subtle curves, which also bothered me. I shake my head slightly, wanting to be done with this examination I didn't even mean to begin in the first place. Only after I got done examining her did I start to question how she even knew Jaehyun...and why Kenta was still glued to her side as he was when I left 3 years ago. I start to walk over to Jaehyun's side, only now getting to hear their conversation.

.❃.✮:▹Yua's POV◃:✮.❃

"I didn't know you went to school here" Jaehyun smiles, using a soft and friendly tone. I smile back, wanting badly to focus on him but not being able to when I can feel Yuta's eyes on me.

"I didn't know either, you should've told me" I smile back. Joy was behind me, eyeing him with a smirk on his face while Kenta was busy seeming to panic over Yuta being just a few feet away.

"Yeah, I'm in my fourth year" He smiles, while Yuta finally walks over and stands next to him...his eyes not moving from me.

"This is my friend Yuta, he's also in his fourth year" He introduces him, and I start to panic. Should I just act like I don't know him? I don't have time to answer before Yuta scoffs and says,

"It's been three years since I've seen you and you're still short" I hold back a snarl from the comment of my height, before smiling a forced smile and responding,

"Its been three years since I last saw you and your attitude still seems like it came from a dumpster in a back alley" He glares at me, clenching his jaw in anger. I just smile back and give a little wave,

"Can't say I've missed you" A lie. I look back to Jaehyun, who's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

"You two know each other?" He asks. Kenta and Joy just stay quiet in the background, but I notice that Yuta's glare has shifted to Kenta...who's never gotten along with him, even back when we were friends.

"I should be asking you that" Yuta snickers, not taking his eyes off Kenta.

"We grew up together, our families are close friends" I smile to Jaehyun, who seems to be just as annoyed with Yuta's bad attitude.

"Ahh, so you know about his attitude then" He smiles, and I just nod...wondering how someone as nice as Jaehyun became friends with Yuta, who tended to hang out with people that were usually just as douchey as he was.

"How long has it been and you're still with that loser?" Yuta scoffs, nodding his head towards Kenta. Kenta steps next to me, his expression filled with nothing but pure anger. I put my hand on his shoulder, letting him know to just let it be. Jaehyun pushes Yuta before rolling his eyes,

"I'll text you later, lets meet up okay??" Jaehyun smiles, and I nod. He gives a small wave before grabbing Yuta and walking away.

"Fucking asshole" Kenta spits. I just look at him and shake my head.

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